What makes a good pattern tracker? And why?
What’s the goal of this assignment? Show a specific pattern taking place in the text. Should focus on one of our big ideas: leadership / education Think of this like a topic sentence OR mini thesis. Show three examples of that pattern and explain their connection to the pattern using evidence from the text (quotations). We should be connecting to whatever big idea we chose as the topic above. Explain how this pattern reveals a meaning within the text about your chosen topic. This is a theme, and it shouldn’t talk about the book directly. It should talk about universal truths.
Example Patterns Working: Why? Not yet working: “Merlyn seeks to challenge Wart’s preconceived notions about what makes a good leader through experiences which show the importance of self-reliance and intelligence.” Why? Clear focus on leadership. Specific pattern revolving around learning goals. Not yet working: “Kay is treated better then wart because of who his father is. Wart is still treated with respect and class but it is obvious they are not on the same level.” No connection to topic (L / E). Not necessarily true throughout the novel (RW, Merlyn).
Pattern Example (Good) In his early education, Wart is exposed to various examples of poor leaders. His caretakers included: the governess, who had had “hysterics” (White 9); and Sirs Ector and Grummore, who were not well-educated men. In this first stage of Wart’s childhood education, he is taught numerous violent subjects, including “tilting” and “archery” (White 9). As a result, Wart believes all good leaders are well-versed in belligerent pursuits. However, as Wart becomes exposed to Merlyn, Wart is first shown that education in violence does not necessarily yield qualities of leadership. Merlyn asks Wart if he would like to watch two “’real knights ’” (White 60) adventure. Subsequently, Merlyn shows Wart that the said “knights” (Wart’s former role models) act as children when they fight. For example, they repeatedly call each other a “cheat” (White 70) while in submission. Through this experience, Wart is exposed to the idea that not all men well-educated in violent subjects are good leaders; instead, leader-like qualities must come from some other form of education. Clear explanation. Clear connections. Follows pattern. Quotations used well, though we could explain them further.
Pattern Example (Needs Work) Kay’s better treatment is again evident when the boys are being taught by the governess, when it is said that when Wart did wrong he was “bladed” (White 10). Blading is a form of punishment that includes being hit with the flat side of a sword. This kind of punishment was called a “horseplay, a sort of joke” (White 10), yet Kay does not receive it. Wart goes on to say how Kay “was not bladed, although he often went wrong” (White 10 ). Lots of plot, but very little analysis. Quotations aren’t well explained or used with purpose. Ends on quotation – never a good idea. No real discussion of leadership or education here.
Themes (Good One) “This pattern suggests that good leadership is to be kind to those who are being lead, and that leaders always have the right to choose what kind of a leader they will become ; one who rules with respect and kindness towards others, or one who rules and controls their followers by fear.“ Why is it good? Message is about leadership. Gives a clear, defined message about that topic (that they should rule with kindness and respect) Not discussing the book directly. Moves beyond the text.
Theme (needs Work) The pattern infers that Merlyn wanted Wart to experience different kinds of leadership in different places, but also wanted Wart to make his own opinions about those experiences. Merlyn showed Wart that there are many ways to lead but some are more effective than others . Why is it good? This is all still about the book here. We need to move beyond the text. No message about leadership or education.