Jeopardy! Vocabulary 1 Misc. Erosion & Weathering Earth’s Interior Plate Tectonics 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
What are physical features on the surface of the Earth? Vocabulary 1: 100 What are physical features on the surface of the Earth? earthquake faults landforms lava magma volcano landforms
Vocabulary 1: 200 What is a shaking of the ground caused by the sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust? earthquake faults landforms lava magma volcano earthquake
Vocabulary 1: 300 What is a mountain formed (usually at plate boundaries) by lava and ash? earthquake faults landforms lava magma volcano volcano
What is molten, or liquid, rock from Earth’s mantle? Vocabulary 1: 400 What is molten, or liquid, rock from Earth’s mantle? earthquake faults landforms lava magma volcano magma
What is magma that reaches Earth’s surface? Vocabulary 1: 500 What is magma that reaches Earth’s surface? earthquake faults landforms lava magma volcano lava
Name one of Earth’s landforms that has been caused by plate movement. Misc.: 100 Name one of Earth’s landforms that has been caused by plate movement. trenches, mid-ocean ridges, mountain ranges
Where do most earthquakes and volcanoes occur? Vocabulary 2: 200 Where do most earthquakes and volcanoes occur? along fault lines
What are the remains or traces of past life found in sedimentary rock? Vocabulary 2: 300 What are the remains or traces of past life found in sedimentary rock? fossils
Vocabulary 2: 400 Give an example of a food that models Earth’s layers and explain why it is a good model. Possible answers: hard-boiled egg, peach, peanut M&M’s, etc. because they have layers that represent a crust, mantle, and core.
What causes plate movement? Vocabulary 2: 500 What causes plate movement? Earth’s heat energy
What is the process of moving sediment from one place to another? Erosion & Weathering: 100 What is the process of moving sediment from one place to another? erosion
Erosion & Weathering: 200 What is the process of breaking rock into silt, sand, clay, and other tiny pieces, called sediment. weathering
Name two things that cause weathering and erosion. Erosion & Weathering: 300 Name two things that cause weathering and erosion. water, wind, glaciers, gravity
Erosion & Weathering: 400 What is the process of dropping, or depositing, sediment in a new location? deposition
What is the downhill movement of rock and soil because of gravity? Erosion & Weathering: 500 What is the downhill movement of rock and soil because of gravity? 100 Point Bonus! Give an example. Landslide, mudslide, or creep mass movement
Name Earth’s four layers from outermost to innermost. Earth’s Interior: 100 Name Earth’s four layers from outermost to innermost. crust, mantle, outer core, inner core
Which of Earth’s layers is the hottest? Earth’s Interior: 200 Which of Earth’s layers is the hottest? 100 Point Bonus! Is it solid or liquid? solid inner core
Earth’s Interior: 300 Which is the only layer of Earth that is totally liquid and is made mostly of iron and nickel? outer core
Which layer of Earth does magma come from? Earth’s Interior: 400 Which layer of Earth does magma come from? mantle
Describe Earth’s crust. Earth’s Interior: 500 Describe Earth’s crust. 3 2 4 1 rocky, thin, the part we live on
Plate Tectonics: 100 What is the theory of how Earth’s continents move over its surface known as? continental drift
Plate Tectonics: 200 What is the name of the supercontinent containing all of Earth’s land that was believed to have existed about 225 million years ago. Pangea
What is the name of the boundary where one plate slides past another? Plate Tectonics: 300 What is the name of the boundary where one plate slides past another? transform, sliding, or strike-slip
What is the name of the boundary where two plates come together? Plate Tectonics: 400 What is the name of the boundary where two plates come together? convergent boundary
Plate Tectonics: 500 What is the name of the boundary where two plates pull apart from each other? divergent boundary
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