By Abby M, Sophie, and Zack, Luke and Jakob Rehab By Abby M, Sophie, and Zack, Luke and Jakob
Why did we choose these video? We thought the video was very educational and a good way to learn about rehab. We learn the most possible watching these they taught you what people go to rehab for and how the get out and how they change.
Summary Rehab is something people with SERIOUS problems go through. If you do go into rehab, your whole life will change.. Rehab usually helps you quit something that you should not be doing and also helps you get back out to society on a positive note. Rehab can make you or break you. One form of rehab is that you get out of the environment that you have been known to smoke or get drugs in so you will hopefully not do it again. One more form of rehab includes Newer models of residential treatment are emerging across the country, which include supported housing provision linked to structured treatment and other local services.
Information Drug rehab places help drug addicts prepare to re-enter society on a positive note. Being addicted to drugs can affect your relationships, jobs, social life, and many more things. Many rehab patients do their best to gain their lives back in a healthy way. There are many different types of drug facilities. Long term, short term, outpatient care, luxury, state funded, and private rehabs. The first phase of rehab is called detox. The patient is slowly being pushed away from from the horrible situation they’re in. The second step tries to permanently stop them from taking drugs. The third step helps them forget memories about the situation they were in. The last step registers them back to society.
Facts 26.3 million people go into rehab each year. -More than 87% ple 18 or over reported drinking in their lifetime -statistics show that drug abuse and drug addiction cost Americans over $484 billion annually. This includes health costs lots job wages traffic accidents criminal justice system costs. - Drug addiction is linked to at least half of the major crimes . -Stress is a major factor in drug use and abuse.
Information Things that raise a teen’s risk of addiction: ~ A family history of alcohol and drug use ~ A desire to please others ~ Low self-esteem ~ Inability to cope with emotions ~ Peer pressure
Hypothetical Story One day I was hanging out with my friend. We were walking down a strange pathway when a guy with a mysterious bag started following us. We started walking faster but he ran after us. We were very scared in this situation. He approached us and handed my friend a bag of crack. He then threw an open bag of crack right at my face, but I used my but awesome ninja skills and blocked it. Then I kicked him in the groin and my friend and Iran away.
I was walking down the street with my gun I was walking down the street with my gun. A guy came by and snatched my gun away from me. He shot me with my gun and dragged me down the rest of the street into a ghetto house. He grabbed a syringe furiously and stabbed me in the heart with it.He left the house leaving me in great pain, almost ten times the pain than when I had my children
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Our Song Rehabilitation is for people who smoke, rehab is for people who wanna let go. Smoking is for people who think their dope, I don’t think so. They withdraw money from their bank account, after a month their bills start to mount. Smoking is bad, smoking is sad, it might even kill your lad. You might be asking what is a lad, your lad is your carcass. Carcass is your body, so don’t be naughty, and take care of your body. Don’t vape or you may have to tape your mouth shut so you can’t eat a crape or crab and talk yourself into going to rehab.
Song #2 Don’t be vaping boi, it’s as bad as caping boi. Caping is skinning the head of an animal, and you’d be skinnning yourself and you an animal aren’t you. Boi you need to go to school. Are you too cool for school? Boi you be trippin, you a fool. If you be smoking, you be broken. Boi, you're dumb if you think that shrooms be cool. You think it’s sad when you haven’t had drugs within a month, know what’s really sad, that people know that it’s bad and people still do it to be rad.
THE END ………...For this smoker