Food tests
The food groups Protein Sugar Starch Fats and oils
Benedict's Test for sugar Mash food up Put in a test tube with Benedict’s solution Heat in a water bath Blue = no sugar Orange = sugar
Biuret test for protein Mash up the food to increase the surface area Put a small quantity in a spotting tile Add Biuret solution Wait for a colour change
Iodine starch for starch Mash the food up or chop into small pieces Put a small piece in a spotting tile Add a few drops of iodine Look for a colour change Brown = no starch Black = starch
Alcohol test for fats and oils Crush the food sample and put in a dry test tube. Add ethanol to about 2 cm3 above the level of the sample and shake thoroughly. Allow the solid to settle (about 3 min) to allow the fat to be extracted. Decant (pour off) the ethanol into another test tube. Add 2 cm3 of water to the second test tube A white cloudy emulsion means fat is present
What do we know about school dinners? Use the information you have learned about school dinners from your practical Write a Facebook review on the ability of the dinners to contribute to a balanced diet What have we not tested for?