DO NOW Take out the Macromolecules & Diet Worksheet. Polymers (macromolecules) are made up of smaller, repeating units called __________. Carbohydrates are made up of ______________________. Which macromolecule provides long-term energy and makes up the cell membrane? Are polymers different than macromolecules? What are the functions of lipids?
Do Now & Review Macromolecules Notes Practice Kwashikor Article (protein deficiency) Today’s Agenda
Dewayne, Destinee, Danny, Destiny, Nautica, Zaria Survivor Update
50% 82% Data…
Tests & Test Corrections Due Monday September 28th Criteria for Success: Write the question the number Put why you missed the question (I guessed, I don’t know does not count) Put the correct answer Give an explanation for the correct answer You will earn half of your total points back (e.x. you missed 20 questions and follow the format you can earn up to ten points back) Tests & Test Corrections
You have a quiz on Monday over all of the macromolecules their function, structure, and the tests to identify each Graphic organizer Notes Need to know: structure, function, monomers, food examples Updates
Unit: Guiding Questions What molecules are found in all living organisms? Why do we need to eat a balanced diet that contains a variety of foods? How do doctors and scientists test blood and other fluids for proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids? Unit: Guiding Questions
Chemistry in Biology: Tests for Macromolecules Unit 3 Lesson 4
Objectives SWBAT identify specific tests used to detect protein, carbohydrates, and lipids. SWBAT interpret the results of a particular test in order to determine the macromolecule present.
Tests for Macromolecules Scientists use various tests for the presence of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids These tests can be run on body fluids (blood, saliva, etc.) or chemical solutions We will discuss 5 tests 1 for proteins 2 for carbohydrates 2 for lipids Tests for Macromolecules
Foldable Directions Label the front of the flap with the macromolecule Label the back of the flap with the name of the test Write the result behind the flap Foldable Directions
Tests: Proteins Macromolecule: Proteins Test: Biuret Test Results: The solution turns purple if proteins are present
Tests: Carbohydrates Macromolecule: Carbohydrates (Glucose) Test: Benedict’s Test Results: The solution turns orange if glucose is present
Tests: Carbohydrates Macromolecule: Carbohydrates (Starch) Test: Iodine Test Results: The solutions turns dark blue/black if starches are present
Tests: Lipids Macromolecule: Lipids Test: Sudan Test Results: Lipids are stained reddish- orange if they are present
Tests: Lipids Macromolecule: Lipids Test: Brown paper bag test Results: Clear spots appear on the bag if lipids are present Think greasy fries in a paper bag
Summary Proteins Carbohydrates (Glucose/Sugars) Carbohydrates (Starch) Biuret Test Carbohydrates (Glucose/Sugars) Benedict’s Test Carbohydrates (Starch) Iodine Test Lipids Sudan Test Brown paper bag test Summary
Instructions: Crossword Puzzle Let’s practice a few together Don’t call out answers Fill in your crossword as we work Instructions: Crossword Puzzle
A solution turns this color during Benedict's test when glucose is present Answer: Orange 1 Down
A solution turns this color during the Biuret test when proteins are present Answer: Purple 2 Down
This is another test, in addition to the brown paper bag test, used to detect lipids Answer: Sudan 3 Across
The Iodine test is used to detect this Answer: Starch 4 Across
This test is used to detect proteins in a solution Answer: Biuret 7 Down
Color after Benedict’s Benedict’s test is performed on three different foods/drinks. Based on the table, which food contains glucose? Answer: Lemonade Food/Drink Color after Benedict’s Lemonade Orange Coffee Light blue Egg yolk Blue Question 1 (8 Across)
Food/Drink Color after Biuret Test Water Light blue Yogurt Purple Potatoes Blue Rice The Biuret test is done on four different foods/drinks. Based on the results, which food/drink contained protein? Answer: Yogurt Question 2 (9 Across)
Benedict’s test is used to detect the presence of this Answer: Glucose 10 Across
The brown paper bag test is used to detect this macromolecule Answer: Lipids 13 Down
Finish the review clues and the crossword puzzle on your own Then do the Review Questions on the back of the worksheet Rules: Work independently Raise your hand if you have any questions Next Steps