【Circuit diagram for CD74HCT4051】 +4.5V -4.5V -4.5V Input ( to OP amp) COM output ( to OP amp) CD74HCT4051 is used as a portion of PGA( change feedback resister). So, this line is connected to high-impedance.
【Capture of Power On for CD74HCT4051】 For just a moment, VEE goes +1.0V then goes - 4.5V Enable go high before VEE goes -4.5V (Green) Vcc 4.5V(Blue) VEE -4.5V(Orange)
【Problem: COM output capture 】 Bad part (Blue) : oscillation is seen Good part (Orange) Problem: Oscillation is seen depend on good/bad PCB. good/bad part is same design but different PCB. Occurrence is a few times / on 10~100 power on.
Question Do you have criteria ( timing ) about relationship between S0~S2 , /Enable and Vcc, VEE for Power Up( and Down )? We can not find the criteria those in data sheet. 2 In customer’s set, Enable ( and S0~S2) start up before VEE goes t- -4.5V. Do you think this is problem? 3 In customer’s set, VEE goes +1V at a moment.( cause unknown)