Cell phone use is prohibited. Students: Today is a red light day. Cell phone use is prohibited. This is your warning.
Mr. Hill wants to deposit $ 23. 00 in cash, $ 3 Mr. Hill wants to deposit $ 23.00 in cash, $ 3.50 in coins, and a check for $ 65.00 into his savings account # 246801. He wants $ 35.00 cash back. COMMUNITY BANK Dollars Cents CASH Currency 23 00 February 24, 17 Date ___________________ 20 _____ 3 50 Coins List Separately DEPOSIT TO THE ACCOUNT OF: 65 00 CHECKS Mr. Hill ________________________________ Name DEPOSIT SLIP ACCOUNT NUMBER Subtotal 91 50 2 4 6 8 1 35 00 Less Cash Received Total Deposit 56 50
11.02 Savings Withdrawals
When you are making a withdrawal, you are taking money out of your account. Your withdrawal is subtracted from the account balance. When making a withdrawal from a savings account, you fill out a withdrawal slip. You will need to write dollar amounts in word form with the decimal portion as a fraction.
Write the following currency as words. If the amount in word form does not match the amount in number form, the bank will use the word form. Write the following currency as words. $ 45.00 Forty Five and 00 / 100 $ 136.79 One Hundred Thirty Six and 79 / 100 $ 91.82 Ninety One and 82 / 100
Write the following words as currency. Fifty Six and 27 / 100 $ 56.27 Two Hundred and 31 / 100 $ 200.31 Nine and 45 / 100 $ 9.45 Every withdrawal slip must include: the savings account number, the date, the amount in words and as a number, and must be signed.
58 00 Complete the following withdrawal slip. COMMUNITY BANK 1 4 7 2 5 February 24 17 Date _____________________ 20 _____ SAVINGS ACCOUNT NUMBER 58 00 Fifty Eight and 00/100 $ ___________________________________ DOLLARS WITHDRAWAL ( Amount in Words ) dollars cents Mr. Jones _______________________________________________ ( Sign Here ) Complete the following withdrawal slip. Mr. Jones wants to withdraw $ 58.00. His savings account number is # 147025.
72 35 Complete the following withdrawal slip. COMMUNITY BANK 9 7 5 3 1 February 24 17 Date _____________________ 20 _____ SAVINGS ACCOUNT NUMBER 72 35 Seventy Two and 35/100 $ ___________________________________ DOLLARS WITHDRAWAL ( Amount in Words ) dollars cents Ms. Smith _______________________________________________ ( Sign Here ) Complete the following withdrawal slip. Ms. Smith wants to withdraw $ 72.35. Her savings account number is # 975310.