DOVE CAMERON Chloe Celeste Hosterman
Place and Date of birth She birthday is the januray 15 1996 She birth are Washington
One.fifty-eight metre Fifty-two kg Height and weight One.fifty-eight metre Fifty-two kg
Physical appearance Dove Cameron has blond hair. She has eyes pair
Talents and abilities It is good to sing She has a talent for basketball She acts in movies she snowboarding
Thing they are bad at I am directional challenged with looks. I can live in a place for years and still hot remember which way the locks work, or which key touse.
Favourite place paris
interest Acting singing, watching movies , listening music, reading ,snowboarding,
Charity name Putney
Charity Sixteen-eighty-four,tomas martyn bequeathed lands for the foundation and support of a charity school for twenty boys , sons of watermen ; and by a decree of the court of chancery.
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