Persepolis-The Shia Islam
Shia Beliefs Shia is a term given to those followers of Islam that believe the rightful successor to the prophet Mohammed was Ali. Ali was Mohammed’s first cousin and son in law by marrying Mohammed’s daughter Fatimah. As such he was thought to be the rightful heir to the Caliphate of Islam and to be the next Imam.
Shia and Sunni Sunni Shia Sunni comes from “Ahl al- Sunnah” which means “People of the Tradition” Estimated around 1.5 billion followers, and make up around 90% of the Islamic world. Shia comes from “Shiat Ali” which roughly translates to “Party of Ali” Estimated around 150-200 million followers and only make up a majority of the population in Iran.
Ali and his sons Hassan and Hussein Ali became Caliph for 5 years, but was assassinated in 661. His sons Hassan and Hussein believed in their rightful claim to the Caliphate, but both were killed by opposing claimants, the first of the Umayyad Dynasty. These events have led to the Shia concept of martyrdom and grieving rituals.
Istishhad or Martydom Istishhad is the Arabic term for martyrdom meaning “Heroic Death”. The term originally had connotations of victimization, however lately radical groups have used the word that is closer to the heroism of self-sacrifice. Given the assassination, poisoning, and death on the battlefield of those they believed to be the rightful Caliphs, the Shia religion has special mourning rituals.
Shia Grieving Rituals Hussein’s martyrdom upon his death at the Battle of Karbala in 681 has become a symbol for the Shia struggle against injustice, tyranny and oppression. The rituals of self-flagellation can take the form of whipping and cutting with chains, knives, and swords, this practice was banned in Iran but continues in Bangladesh, for example. The practice can also take the form of covering yourself in mud and walking near a fire to let it dry and crack on your skin and clothes.
The Divide between Sunni and Shia We often believe that religious conflicts are over, but in most Muslim countries Shias make up the poorest part of the population and believe themselves to be oppressed by the Sunnis. It is true that in an effort to gain and maintain independence the Iranian government as a Shia fundamentalist group has funded Hezbollah and many other Shia militias against the Sunni oppression.
The Divide between Sunni and Shia On the otherhand, Sunni extremists have for a long time claimed that Shia’s are heretics and should be killed. As well, in 2016 the Saudi Arabian Government executed a prominent Shia Cleric for supporting protests in the country.