continence Management All together now PUSH Pressure ulcers should be HISTORY continence Management
Name some characteristics of pressure ulcers. Pressure ulcers are caused by pressure ,shear or friction and have a typical presentation. What signs would lead you to suspect a patient had a pressure ulcer? usually present as a single isolated lesion. usually found over a bony prominence. have distinct edges and a regular shape. will often present as a partial thickness skin loss or as a full thickness skin loss. All together now PUSH . Pressure ulcers should be HISTORY.
Differentiating Pressure ulcers from moisture lesions. What 7 signs would lead you to suspect that a patient has a moisture lesion? The lesion is superficial. There many be multiple areas affected. May present as a “kissing lesion”.(same pattern where both buttocks touch. May be irregular in shape with poorly defined margins. Situated in “fatty tissue "such as the perineum,buttocks,grion,or inner thighs :ie in skin folds and not necessarily over bony prominences. Skin could appear wet and shiny. All together now PUSH. Pressure ulcers should be HISTORY.
Causes of skin damage. Sweat Prolonged exposure with fluids on the skin causes the outer layers of the epidermis to swell. This in turn increases the vulnerability of the skin to the forces of shear & friction. When combined, these processes may cause moisture lesions, moisture related skin fold damage & or pressure ulcers. Name the fluids most likely to be implicated Sweat Exudate Urine & faeces. All together now PUSH. Pressure ulcers should be HISTORY.
Protecting the skin. Discuss 6 simple steps that can be taken to maintain the integrity of the skin of a patient at risk from moisture damage. Apply protective skin barrier products such as:Cavilon or Derma S. Treat moisture related damage with Emollin spray Avoid soap as these disrupt the PH balance leaving the skin vulnerable: Ensure the use of incontinence products. Faecal management systems to be used. Use absorbent dressing where required Refer patients to the continence nurse specialists All together now PUSH. Pressure ulcers should be HISTORY
What is this? Yes, this is a moisture lesion. All together now PUSH. Pressure ulcers should be history
And this….? Grade two pressure ulcer. All together now PUSH. Pressure ulcers should be HISTORY.
And this…? Grade 1 pressure ulcer. All together now PUSH. Pressure ulcers should be HISTORY
Pressure ulcer or moisture lesion? Moisture lesion under breasts All together now PUSH. Pressure ulcers should be history
Is this a pressure ulcer or moisture lesion. Moisture lesion. Note how shiny the skin appears. All together now PUSH. Pressure ulcers should be HISTORY.
One more! Grade one pressure ulcer. All together now PUSH. Pressure ulcers should be HISTORY.