Coordinator’s overview Simon Lambert & David Giaretta STFC/APA All Hands Meeting, Amsterdam, 25 September 2014
Overall timeline
Main achievements in Year 4 so far Further work on common vision and CoE Market research Training material Offerings for CoE Planning for the CoE launch Dissemination activities APA Conference in New Delhi, TPDL workshop, many others Webinars on DRM and storage solutions
Deliverables already submitted in Year 4 Revised deliverables D21.1 Overview of preservation services (STFC) D23.2 Storage solutions analysis report (ESA) D43.2 Launch of digital preservation training portal for VCoE (DPC) All accepted End of May 2014 (M40) D45.2 Mapping defragmentation opportunities across key stakeholders outside APARSEN (STM) But will be extended with results of remaining webinars
Remaining deliverables End of October 2014 (M46) D42.2 Report on definition of curricula and course contents, summary of liaison actions and co-operations (FTK) End of December 2014 (M48) D11.5 Report on a common vision of digital preservation (STFC) D11.6 Virtual Centre of Excellence development (STFC) D13.3 Report about standardisation activities (ICT) D16.2 Software repository: final (APA) D22.4 The Interoperability Framework implementation with added value services (FRD) D41.3 Event planning and summary report (LTU) D44.5 Annual report on communication activities (ONB)
The third project review Held 13 February 2014 in Frankfurt Broadly successful, overall assessment “good progress” Recommendations and responses to be discussed later today and at GA meeting tomorrow
The final project review Not yet discussed with PO Presumably early 2015 Location and duration to be decided Or could possibly be a remote review? Who should attend? What should be main messages?
Priorities for the remainder of the project Establishment of the Centre of Excellence Finalisation of the common vision Continued dissemination of our work and results Deliverables as per DoW Closure of the project
Tiger Teams
Tiger Teams Even if your WP has finished, there is still effort in WP11 (and elsewhere) for: Integrating the common vision Helping to define services for the CoE Contributing to the website Assisting with training material …
Effort status Figures for Jan-Aug 2014 not available
Agenda for today
Network of Excellence