Noise Maps and House Building – potential future influence on planning and design Peter Hepworth Tuesday 31st October 2006 Sustainable New Homes and Sound Insulation, Birmingham
Outline Why are Noise Maps required; What are Noise Maps and Action Plans; Timescales; What will the impact on House Builders be?
Why are Noise Maps required EC Green Paper on Future Noise Policy (1996) Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC The Environmental Noise (England) Regulations 2006; English implementation of the END; Came in to force on 1st October 2006; Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland introducing separate Regulations;
What are Noise Maps Cover Road, Rail, Aircraft and Industrial Noise; Maps for ‘agglomerations’, major roads, major railways and major airports; 5 year cycle of noise maps; Definition of agglomeration, major road and major railway changes for 2nd round of mapping; Used to provide information for Noise Action Plans.
What are Noise Action Plans? Noise maps provide data but plans required for action; Plans required to ‘manage noise issues and effects, including noise reduction if necessary’; ‘Measures within the plans are at the discretion of the competent authorities’; Plans required for major roads, major railways, major airports and agglomerations; Agglomeration plans also to protect quiet areas against an increase in noise; Competent authorities.
Timescales Single source Noise Maps by 30 June 2007; Limit values/criteria for assessment of priorities by 18 July 2007; Consolidated Noise Maps by 1 October 2007; Noise Action Plans by 18 July 2008; Action Plans procedure must include public consultation; Reviewed every 5 years, or sooner if major development affects noise situation;
Impact on House Builders Uses of Noise Maps by General Public; Uses of Noise Maps by Local Authorities; Strategic Planning; Detailed Planning; Easier for local authorities to assess the need for a detailed noise assessment;
Impact on House Builders Possible opportunities for House Builders; Contribution towards noise mitigation measures; Development in areas currently outside guideline values; Currently no new funding has been announced for mitigation works; Developer funding could assist existing and proposed housing.
Conclusions Noise Maps will provide a more informed public and planning authority; The results will be fed in to the strategic choice of housing sites; Some sites may become easier to develop because of Noise Action Plans; Some sites may become easier to develop because of developer funding of mitigation works; Detailed assessments may require reworking of existing noise maps.