Pitter patter… pitter patter Sound Devices Pitter patter… pitter patter
1. Alliteration Meaning Example The repetition of the initial consonant sound Example Some silly students sing sad songs.
2. Onomatopoeia Meaning Example The use of words that sound like their meaning. Example Woof Boom Hiss Buzz
3. Rhyme Meaning Example The repetition of similar sounds The sounds are not always exactly the same The spelling does not have to be the same Example Thinking , linking Bake, cake Frog, hog High, sky
4. Assonance Meaning Example The repetition of vowel sounds within words Example How is the brown cow bowing down?
5. Rhythm Meaning Example Beat created by putting emphasis on some syllables Example My mother ate an apple and my father ate a pear. Can you hear that every other syllable was stressed? my MOTH-er ATE an AP-ple AND my FATH-er ATE a PEAR.
6. Repetition Meaning Example The use of a word, phrase, sound, or line more than once Example The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk. The rain makes running pools in the gutter. The rain plays a little sleep-song on our roof at night- And I love the rain. -from “April Rain Song” by Langston Hughes
7. Rhyme Scheme Meaning Example A pattern of rhyme that stays the same throughout a poem The lines that rhyme are labeled with the same letter Example Under a spreading chestnut-tree a The village smithy stands; b The smith, a mighty man is he, a With large and sinewy hands; b -from “Village Blacksmith” by Henry W. Longfellow