Eric Verrelli Lead State Alaska Shared Services of Alaska Transcription Services MULTI STATE CONTRACT Eric Verrelli Lead State Alaska Shared Services of Alaska
Sourcing Team Alaska: Linda Polk Oklahoma: Keith Gentry Eric Verrelli Tennessee: Robert Maurer Colorado: Amy Risley Kristen McKeever Idaho: Chelsea Cameron Nebraska: Michelle Thompson Teresa Fleming Ted Fosket, NASPO ValuePoint
Purpose To establish multiple Master Agreements in Transcription Services for: State governments (including departments & agencies) Institutions of higher education Political subdivisions (i.e., colleges, school districts, counties, cities, etc.) The District of Columbia & territories of the United States And other eligible entities subject to approval of the Participating Entity’s procurement director and compliance with local statutory and regulatory provisions (“Purchasing Entities”). To establish multiple Master Agreements for the purchase of Parks & Recreation Equipment and Related Services by state governments (including departments, agencies, institutions), institutions of higher education, political subdivisions (i.e., colleges, school districts, counties, cities, etc.), the District of Columbia, territories of the United States, and other eligible entities subject to approval of the Participating Entity’s procurement director and compliance with local statutory and regulatory provisions (“Purchasing Entities”).
Benefits of Agreements Provides comprehensive inclusion on a specific commodity that allows for economic ordering quantities. Award to multiple vendors to provide services nationally for purchasing entities. Provided national awards to meet socio economic considerations. Obtain more favorable pricing than previously obtained by individual state’s or local government entities.
three one-year renewal options RFP Process RFP Process Date RFP Advertised February 8, 2017 Questions / Requests for Clarification Due March 1, 2017 Answers / Clarification Issued March 10, 2017 Closing (Proposals Due) March 31, 2017 Evaluation Period April 1, 2017 – April 14, 2017 Notice of Award May 11, 2017 Award Protest Period Ends May 21, 2017 Contract Term Initial two years, with three one-year renewal options Contract Start/End June 1, 2017 – May 29, 2019
RFP Process continued 21 Proposals Received. All offerors were not responsive/responsible. 19 Evaluation of proposals by sourcing team. 6 Contractors awarded.
Evaluation Criteria Evaluators assigned a score for each criterion between 0 and 10, with 0 = Unacceptable and 10 = Excellent Minimum Requirements: Three years performing similar services listed in the scope Must be able to provide services to all 50 states, the District of Columbia, territories of the U.S., Political Subdivisions, and institutions of higher education. Technical Response Evaluated: Experience and Capabilities Data Security and Confidentiality References Ability to meet scope of work Marketing Strategies Cost This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
Scope of Services Category 1: General Transcription Services Category 2: Medical Transcription Services Category 3: Legal Transcription Services Category 4: Optional Transcription Services
Contract Pricing Note the following sections of RFP Attachment C included: Contract pricing is based on price per line, with lines being 65 characters including spaces. It is estimated that there are 22 lines per page. Vendor can only invoice for exact number of lines. Vendors that offered value added services can do these services but only at the price stated on their cost sheet. If not offered under value added then service is not available by the vendor. Fixed pricing for the first two years of the contract. Only the Lead State Contract Administrator can approve price increases.
Awarded Vendors Awarded Vendor Contact States Proposed Categories American Transmedia Buck Ewing All States General/Legal Bureau of Office Services Rich Piasecki General/Legal/Medical eScribers Aryeh Bak Perry Johnson & Associates Shaun Doty Transcription Outsourcing Ben Walker bwalker@transcriptionoutsourci Verbatim Reporting and Transcription Kimberly McCright General/legal
Questions? Contract Lead: Eric Verrelli State of Alaska Contracting Officer (907) 465-5674 .
Participating Addendum PROCESS
NASPO ValuePoint cooperative Master Agreement PA Process All 50 states and The District of Columbia have Memorandum Of Agreement allowing them to be eligible to use any NASPO ValuePoint cooperative Master Agreement 13
Through the Participating Addendum States/Entities may: Select Contractors Include their own State Administrative Fee Include required (unique) terms and conditions Identify options for States or their political subdivisions Request state-specific reporting or other requirements
Opportunities for Participation Three Options for Participation State signs a Participating Addenda for entire state Every legally eligible entity in the state can participate State signs a Participating Addenda for non state entities Every legally eligible entity that is not a STATE agency can participate State does not sign a Participating Addenda Political subdivisions wishing to participate may contact the NASPO ValuePoint Cooperative Development Coordinator who will contact the STATE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICIAL asking for approval for that entity to sign their own Participating Addendum. Entities may be given approval on an individual basis or State CPO may give approval to all entities within the state to execute their own Participating Addendums. 15
Participation Opportunity #1 Step by Step: Participating Addendum templates are available on each Master Agreement page on States may have submitted Intents to Participate during solicitation, this will provide the information for contractors to contact states interested in signing a Participating Addendum. States may also contact contractors directly to begin Participating Addendum process. State Chief Procurement Officials (or designated representative) will be the signatory on the Participating Addendum. They will also be the NASPO ValuePoint point of contact throughout the process. State completes the draft Participating Addendum for each contractor and then forwards the draft to the contractor. Negotiations will be handled directly between state and contractor. Upon agreement, the state sends a final copy of Participating Addendum to the contractor for signature. Contractor signs Participating Addendum and sends back to state for signature. State sends fully executed copy to both contractor and NASPO ValuePoint at Executed Participating Addendum will be maintained in a repository.
Participation Opportunity #2 Step by Step: Same Process as Opportunity #1 Participating Addendum templates are available on each Master Agreement page on States may have submitted Intents to Participate during solicitation, this will provide the information for contractors to contact states interested in signing a Participating Addendum. States may also contact contractors directly to begin Participating Addendum process. State Chief Procurement Officials (or designated representative) will be the signatory on the Participating Addendum. They will also be the NASPO ValuePoint point of contact throughout the process. State completes the draft Participating Addendum for each contractor and then forwards the draft to the contractor. Negotiations will be handled directly between state and contractor. Upon agreement, the state sends a final copy of Participating Addendum to the contractor for signature. Contractor signs Participating Addendum and sends back to state for signature. State sends fully executed copy to both contractor and NASPO ValuePoint at Executed Participating Addendum will be maintained in a repository.
Participation Opportunity #3 Step by Step: Participating Addendum templates are available on each Master Agreement page on An email request should be sent to from entity (email may also be sent from contractor). The email needs to provide the following details: main point of contact from entity, full name of entity, phone number, email address and physical address. NASPO ValuePoint will email State Chief Procurement Officer requesting approval for the entity to execute a Participating Addendum. NASPO ValuePoint will email both contractor and entity with the permission from Chief Procurement Official to proceed to complete the Participating Addendum. Entity completes the draft Participating Addendum for contractor and then forwards the draft to the contractor. Negotiations will be handled directly between entity and contractor. Upon agreement, the entity sends a final copy of Participating Addendum to the contractor for signature. Contractor signs Participating Addendum and sends back to entity for signature . Entity sends fully executed copy to both contractor and NASPO ValuePoint at Executed Participating Addendum will be maintained in a repository.
PA Process Flow Chart
State Executed vs Polysub Executed PA’s If a state has executed a Participating Addendum that allows for Political Subdivision’s to conduct purchases, NASPO ValuePoint discourages individual entities and contractors from executing a separate or additional Participating Addendum. If a Political Subdivision needs to execute a separate contractual document, that contractual document should be maintained at the political subdivision level. Do not forward to NASPO ValuePoint.
Things to Remember Sample PA’s are located on the NASPO ValuePoint Website under each master agreement portfolio. Executed Participating Addendum will be maintained on and in a repository. Participating states and entities will be identified on the map of the USA on each Master Agreement page on The Lead State and NASPO ValuePoint do not get involved with negotiations. Only submit completed and negotiated PA’s with signatures from both parties. Submit completed PA’s in PDF Format. 21
QUESTIONS? *Ted Fosket (907) 723-3360 Contact the Lead State or our NASPO ValuePoint Cooperative Development Coordinators if there are any questions about our expectations! *Ted Fosket NASPO ValuePoint Cooperative Development Coordinator (907) 723-3360 * NASPO ValuePoint Point of Contact for these Master Agreements. 22
Thank You!