Year 2 Autumn Term Two How can you support your child’s learning? Maths Position and Direction Addition and Subtraction Multiplication and division Fractions Properties of shape Statistics Literacy Information texts Fire of London report Recount Diary accounts Postcard and Letters Narratives real and Fictional Grammar Punctuation Sentence forms Poetry Performance Poetry Science What is our school made of? Compare the use of everyday materials in and around school Computing Information research Espresso Coding Topic What was it like when Samuel Pepys was alive? What was the impact of Guy Fawkes and Samuel Pepys The Arts ART/DT Wax relief Printing with materials Collage of the Great Fire RE Judaism Passover Hanukkah Christingle Nativity story Music Music for special occasions Feel the pulse P.E. MFC & GYMNASTICS Year 2 Autumn Term Two How can you support your child’s learning? Ask questions about their topic (The Great Fire of London / Materials) and discuss their learning. Visit your local library to find books and other learning materials. Help them research using the internet. Go over spellings from last term while learning new ones. Encourage them to use neat letter formation and letter spacing when handwriting. Help them to learn there times tables. Begin with 2x, 5x, 10x tables. Then move onto 3x and 4x tables. Make it fun! Visit DB Primary to Complete some Online learning. Important Dates Flu vaccination – 24th November Poppy appeal 31st October – minimum 50p MFC coaching- Mondays w/c 31st October – 5th December Gymnastic coaching – finishing Tuesday 8th November Any queries? Mrs Davies – Miss Holmes – Follow us on twitter to share our successes - @Y2CRA