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Exile Time in Babylon Israelite religions became Judaism at this time Jews meet on Sabbath Weekly day of worship Meetings took place in Synagogues
Persians Take control Allows Jews to return to the Holy Land Rebuilt Jerusalem and temple Persians control gov’t Jews look to religion for leadership
Jewish Leaders Leaders are temple priests, scribes and religious scholars Ezra writes Torah on parchment Sewed together to make long scrolls Torah 5 books and 34 other books to make up religion Story of Daniel—God will protect the Jews
Defeat of Persians Alexander the Great defeats the Persians Allows Jews to stay in Israeli—infuses Greek culture Diaspora-Jews scattered throughout Egypt and Babylon Jewish Bible is copied to Greek Help understand Greek rules
Hanukkah Greeks want Jews to worship Greek gods Priest—Judas Maccabeus and followers rebel Fled to hills Army drives Greeks out