How do we learn English? Подлипаева О.Н., МАОУ СОШ № 24 г. Березники Пермский край
К учебнику «New Millennium English-9» Unit 3, lesson 4-5
“To have another language is to possess a second soul”. Владеть другим языком – значит обладать второй душой. Карл Великий
Why do people study the English language? To get a better job To communicate with people around the world To understand songs and films in English To travel abroad To use the Internet To operate a computer To read books in the original To make new friends To study in an English-speaking country
Think about the reasons why you study the English language and finish the sentence. I study English because… for… to…
How do you learn English? What aspects of the language (grammar, vocabulary…) do you find the most important? What way of learning do you enjoy? Which way of learning do you find easy/difficult?
Tick 5 most useful ways for learning English. Give your reasons. 1 Listening to tapes and repeating after them. 2 Talking to native speakers. 3 Reading books and magazines in English. 4 Writing down and learning new words. 5 Watching films in English. 6 Having classes with a private tutor. 7 Singing and translating songs in English. 8 Keeping a vocabulary. 9 Doing translation exercises. 10 Joining an English course.
Copy this mind map and complete it for yourself when where Background Background how long why My English Learning Story Strong points Perspectives Weak points
Some useful tips for improving your English skills Motivate yourself. If you are not motivated to learn English you will give up. Learn at your own speed. There’s no need to hurry when learning something, especially a language. Be the best friends with a good English dictionary. Keep it next to you when you read. Always do your homework. Don’t cheat. Speak the language whenever you can. Don’t be shy to try speaking the language. Memorize phrases, not separate words. Get a pen-friend in an English-speaking country. Practise as much as possible in class.
Writing (Ex.3b,p.42) Write an on-line letter about the best way to learn English.
Использованные ресурсы:МУ-Learning%20to%20Learn.pdf Учебник английского языка «New Millennium English» для 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений, авторы: О.Л. Гроза, О.Б. Дворецкая, Н.Ю. Издание – Обнинск: Титул, 2008