Eucharist Mr. Pablo Cuadra Religion Class
What is the Eucharist? The Eucharist or mass is one of the three sacraments of initiation.
What is the meaning of the word institution? A. The actual event in which Jesus gave us the Eucharist. B. This event formed the mass or Eucharist.
When do we Catholics remember the institution of the mass? Catholics remember the institution of the mass on Holy Thursday.
What are the different names for the Eucharist? A. The Lord’s supper. B. Breaking of the bread. C. Synaxix D. Memorial E. Holy Sacrifice F. Divine Liturgy G. Most Blessed Sacrament. H. Holy Communion J. Mass
What is the meaning of the word Eucharist? Eucharist means “to give thanks”
How is the mass divided? The mass or Eucharist is divided in two parts: A. Liturgy of the word. B. Liturgy of the Eucharist.
What are the elements of the Liturgy of the Word? A. Gathering rites B. The readings C. The Homily D. The intercessions E. Nicene Creed
What are the Elements of the liturgy of the Eucharist? A. The bread B. The wine C. Offertory (bringing the gifts to the altar) D. Collection E. Eucharistic prayer F. Consecration G. The Lord’s prayer H. The sign of peace I. Lamb of God j. Breaking of the bread. k. Communion l. Announcements m. Final prayer and blessing.
What is the main Catholic belief about Communion? The belief in the “Real presence”
What is the Real presence? The real presence refers to the miracle of Christ’s presence under the species of bread and wine. The bread and the wine becomes the body and blood of Christ in a real way.
Why Catholics called the Eucharist Holy Communion? Because we become members of the one body of Christ when we eat of the one bread and wine. In the Eucharist we all become one in Christ.
What are the effects of Holy Communion and Christ’s real presence? A. We become one with Christ B. We become one with other Christians C. Forgiveness for venial sins D. Spiritual strength to fight sin E. Strength to overcome the pain and burden of every day life F. Grace (Holiness) G. Power to love and to live like Christ H. The promise of eternal life.
Who presides in the Eucharist? The main presider of every Eucharist is the Bishop. In the absence of the bishop the priests of the diocese.
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