The Church: Is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic (pp. 61-123) Section 2 The Church: Is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic (pp. 61-123)
The Church Is Holy (pp. 79-96) Section 2, Part 2 The Church Is Holy (pp. 79-96)
Introduction (p. 79) How is the Church distinct from other organizations who do good works Eyes of faith reveal: Human and divine; Created by God Instrument of salvation; Holy Spirit dwells in her Holiness is real but imperfect until the end of time Dependent on God’s grace; Church through members can respond to grow The saints, especially Mary, are models and intercessors for us 5 Articles (A. 20) – Why is the Church Holy (A. 21) – The Church Makes us Holy through God’s Grace (A. 22) – The Communion of Saints (A. 23) – The Saints: Models and Intercessors (A. 24) – Mary: Perfect Model of Holiness
Article 20: Why is the Church Holy? (pp. 80-83) Apparent problem of Church’s holiness Solutions Two natures of the Church Visible elements of holiness Invisible elements of holiness Mission always carried on by the divine/invisible perfect Bride of Christ Analogy of a tapestry Gifts of salvation What Freedom to choose to take advantage of or not Call to holiness Who, where, when, to what? Real and present, but imperfect and future
A. 20: Why is the Church Holy continued (pp. 80-83) Solutions continued Holiness and sinners Parable of weeds and wheat on social and individual level Analogy of the Church as a doctor Our twofold response—Repentance and Conversion (second) Practical steps toward conversion and against peer pressure (p. 81) Prayer and reflection Choose friends Guard your senses Church history: closer look at the visible elements of holiness (p. 83) Health care—hospitals (624) Education/knowledge—monasteries and schools Arts--patrons
Homework p. 96; 1-2 Read pp. 84-89 (AA. 21-22) in the e-book for discussion tomorrow Looking ahead: 2.2 Quiz & Homework Thursday
Article 21: The Church Makes Us Holy through God’s Grace (p. 84-86) “Be perfect just as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Mt. 5) Possible or crazy Perfect in holiness not without fault Holiness = grace + human effort (conscious/intentional not automatic) Grace Natural or supernatural? Effects of? What comes first, grace or nature/freedom? Sanctifying—is habitual but can be lost through mortal sin Actual (virtue or vice) Sacramental Charisms (vocational graces of state) JPII’s Purification of Memories Grace is stronger than sin but needs a kick start
Ken Yasinski: All is Grace
Article 22: The Communion of Saints (p. 87-89) Latin “sancti” & “sancta” Communion of holy people = 1 Church Church Triumphant Church Suffering (Purgatory) Church Militant Communion of holy things Sacraments (esp. Eucharist) Sacramentals Communion is always being built up or destroyed—love or hate Holy Spirit breaks down boundaries to unite people through things Spiritual benefit of modeling and intercession (tomorrow) Make the prayers of the saints our own—Catherine of Siena Mass as an example for daily life
Pope Franics: Communion of the Saints
The Word Exposed: Communion of Saints
Homework p. 96; 3-6 Read pp. 89-96 (AA. 23-24) in the e-book for discussion tomorrow Looking ahead: 2.2 Quiz & Homework Thursday
A. 23: The Saints: Models & Intercessors (p. 89-92) Canonized saints vs. holy ones of the Church Cardinal Jose Martins Models of holiness esp. amidst difficulties Sts. Athanasius, Kolbe, etc… Intercessors Veneration, not worship Direct line? Then why? Patronage, feast days, and examples—Anthony, Blasé, Teresa,… = shows humanity Saints in the liturgical year Jesus and Mary first, then others—living Paschal Mystery—why? Basis in Scripture and Tradition for hope in connection Revelation, Theresa, Dominic, … Your connection to the saints? Baptismal names, confirmation, general attraction, family history, residence, … St. Aloysius Gonzaga
Catholic Answers: Intercession of the Saints
Busted Halo: You Don’t Know Jack: Saints
A. 24: Mary: Perfect Model of Holiness (pp. 92-96) Why is Mary a perfect model of holiness? Role of her individual life in the plan of redemption Goal of every serious Christian—here and then Mary as a namesake but not Jesus? “Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum” (Lk. 1: 38) Perpetual yes to the cross and beyond—docility = essence of XTN Theotokos or Christotokos? Immaculate Conception and Perpetual Virginity Assumption/Dormition Mother of the Church and our mother in the order of grace (co-redeemer, mediator, advocate) Evidence from Scripture and Tradition—Acts, Irenaeus, Jerome, … Mary: The New Eve
Ken Yasinski: On Mary Https://
Catholic Answers: Tim Staples: Praying to Mary
Homework p. 96; 7-10 Study for the 2.2 Quiz (AA. 20-24; pp. 79-96) tomorrow Make sure the 2.2 Homework (p. 96; 1-10) is ready to turn in tomorrow