16 Cost sheet 01.07.2018
This documentation and training is provided to you by beas group AG This documentation and training is provided to you by beas group AG. The documents are neither approved nor in any way acknowledged or endorsed by SAP. For SAP Business One, only the documentation and training officially released by SAP shall be binding upon SAP. SAP shall not be responsible for any content of this documentation and training and this documentation and training shall not be binding upon SAP in any way. The official current SAP Business One documentation and training for SAP Business One is available at http://service.sap.com/sbocustomer/documentation and http://service.sap.com/sbocustomer/training. 7/1/2018
Requirements for this Tutorial You will need a good grasp of: The basics of SAP financial accounting / cost centers be.as basics 7/1/2018
Learning Targets After working through the lesson, you will be able to: Understand how to integrate cost accounting Transfer bookings into cost accounting Create a cost sheet 7/1/2018
Agenda Master data resources 1: General 2: Work with cost accounting / cost sheet 01.07.2018
SAP / be.as master data and interfaces SAP account chart (GL/Accounts) SAP SAP Profit Center be.as import table (Finance Data) be.as cost center allocation to SAP profit center Map SAP account <-> be.as cost element through Assigment table be.as Cost center group Distribution key Distribution key Cost element group 01.07.2018
General (Cost type / Cost element accounting) Profit center Journal entry Cost element SAP Cost center accounting Cost element Cost element accounting Clearing cost center be.as Distribution key Distribution key Clearing cost center Clearing cost center Cost center 1 Cost center 2 allocation key Cost center 1 Cost center 2
Map to SAP profit certer (production, management) General Distribution of costs (SAP account chart) SAP Map to SAP profit certer (production, management) Allocated clearing cost center Direct Distribution key V_1000 Allocation energy V_2000 Allocation lease Cost center 4000 Production 5000 Stock Cost Elements xxx Costs xxx Regardless of whether the costs are booked via of cost types or cost centers, they can be transferred or distributed directly to the final cost centers. Beas uses distribution keys (distribution of cost types) and allocation formulas (distribution of pre-cost elements). be.as Distribution Key U_1000 Allocation Production U_2000 Allocation Stock Cost Center Cost Center 5100 Stock for raw goods 5200 Stock for finished goods 4100 Assembly 4200 Packing Cost Elements xxx Costsl xxx 01.07.2018
Agenda Master data resources 1: General 2: Work with cost accounting / cost sheet 01.07.2018
Work with cost accounting (Cost elements / Cost types) SAP Profit center = be.as Cost center Construction 3000 Production 4000 Stock 5000 Assembly 4100 Stock for raw material 5100 Packing 4200 Stock for finished goods 5200 Basis for cost accounting is a defined cost center structure and the information which costs will be incorporated in the cost accounting and the cost sheet. SAP Accounts = be.as Cost elements 4240 energy costs 4500 vehicle's costs 4210 lease costs 01.07.2018
Work with cost accounting (Create statement cycles) Create master data (sequence) 1. Create statement cycle 2. Create cost centers 3. Create cost types Since there are dependencies between master data, it is recommended to create them in the given sequence. 4. Create distribution and allocation keys 5. Asign cost types to financial accounts 01.07.2018
Work with cost accounting (Create statement cycles) The statement cycle defines a particular period (month, quarter, year) for which the cost accounting or a cost sheet will be created. We recommend to create it similar to the fiscal year. Assign a unique identifier, a description and the beginning of the fiscal year. If you have several statement cycles in use, activate the desired one via the right click or button "change" to (it will be marked red). The statement cycle is the top level and contains its own master data (cost centers, cost types, allocation and distribution keys). If a new statement cycle is created, containing the same or similar master data, it is recommended to copy the statement cycle of the previous year, delete the accounting data and adapt the master data to the new situation. 01.07.2018
Work with cost accounting (Create cost centers) Basis for creating cost centers are the profit centers created before. Select a profit center and enter a description. Each profit center can be selected for a new cost center (1:1 relation). If allocation or distribution keys are recorded, they can be deposited at the cost center. See documentation for field descriptions and detailed information. 01.07.2018
Work with cost accounting (Create cost types) It is recommended, to use the account number from SBO as unique identifier. Enter a description and set up whether this cost type is accounted distributed or directly. If you select „distributed“ a distribution base must be selected. See documentation for further details. Tab cost type -> cost center There you can define, on which cost center you can book costs with this cost type. 01.07.2018
Work with cost accounting (Create distribution keys) Because the same function is used for both distribution and allocation keys, it is recommended to use a clarifying ID, from which you can see easily, whether this is a distribution or an allocation key. See documentation for further details. Tab period -> cost center There you define all cost centers with the proportion to which costs are distributed. 01.07.2018
Work with cost accounting (Assign accounts to costs types) Use the Cost center assignment table to asssign accounts to cost types. 01.07.2018
Work with cost accounting (Register incoming invoice) Register bookings or documents: in the document you can assign the cost center or use the selected accout. 01.07.2018
Work with cost accounting Data import from SAP (Accounting)
Work with cost accounting (Cost sheet) Calling the function „calculate cost sheet“ based on the imported costs under consideration of distrubution and allocation keys the costs are calculated and the cost sheet is issued. 01.07.2018
Work with cost accounting Extended Profit / Loss statement Definition of own Structures – Display results in a report or export to Excel Cost sheet menu -> Master data -> Structures for profit and loss statement Definition of own structure for the report of a profit and loss statement Any number of structures can be defined 01.07.2018
Work with cost accounting Extended Profit / Loss statement Create rows for structure: Position: order in report Kind: select (currently only cost unit) for output in report Type: Budget. Output of defined budgets for cost unit Current: currently determined value for cost unit Object: select for output in report (Dropdown list – right click) Available objects: Category (block / area header) Cost type; cost center; cost type group; cost center group Sum; Sum % Selection: for „cost type“, „cost center“, „cost type group“ and „cost center group“: select via dropdown list for the respective object for „Sum“: enter comma-separated position numbers to be summed up for „Sum %“: 2 position numbers, comma-separated, which to be related percentaged. Example: Pos 10 is percentage of Pos 20 -> enter: 10,20 Designation for output: designation of row, used in Profit / Loss statement Special buttons: Re-position: re-numbering in by increment of 10-er (sum objects considered). Refresh: reload data Via Menu cost sheet -> reports cost sheet -> profit and loss statement a screen with the results of the structure definition is opened. 01.07.2018
Work with cost accounting Extended Profit / Loss statement Display of results
Summary Now you can: Understand how to integrate of cost accounting Transfer bookings into cost accounting Create a cost sheet 01.07.2018
Thank you for your participation! 01.07.2018