Unit 4: Cultural Geography of the United States 1
Population 2010 Population – 308,000,000 White non-Hispanic 63.7% Hispanic/Latino 16.3% Black/African American 12.6% Asian 4.4% Other 3.0% 81% of US population lives in urban areas
US Population Density, 2010
Language The United States has no official language US population’s primary language English – 82.1% Spanish – 10.7% Other – 7.2% 96% of population claims to speak English “well” or “very well”
Religion Christian – 78.4% Jew – 1.7% Muslim – 0.6% Protestant – 51.3% Catholic – 23.9% Jew – 1.7% Muslim – 0.6% Atheist, agnostic, no particular belief – 16.1%
Society Income Education US has the second highest per capita income - $36,200 12.5% US pop. lives in poverty (2007) 15.1% (2010) Education 85.2% have earned HS diploma 27.7% have earned college degree Literacy rates range from 65% to 99% depending on definitions, survey techniques, etc.
History Native Americans Religion Trade Agriculture Social hierarchy Government
Immigrants (colonists) Spain England France Netherlands Africa British Empire (1607-1776) United States (1776-present)
Became world power by late 19th century Industry Commerce Finance Became superpower in mid 20th century Military Technology International trade
The American Way Melting pot or salad bowl? American Dream equality—“All men are created equal…” freedom—land of opportunity prosperity—material comfort, consumerism
Music Blues Ragtime Country Jazz Rhythm & Blues Bluegrass Gospel Rock & Roll
The Blues
Rock & Roll (c.1955)
Art Visual Art Architecture Native American/folk art Regionalism (1930s) Modern Art (1950s) Architecture Skyscrapers Prairie Style International Style Suburban types Googie
Regionalism Thomas Hart Benton
Regionalism Grant Wood
Abstract Expressionism Jackson Pollock
Abstract Expressionism Hans Hoffman Barnett Newman
Prairie Style Frank Lloyd Wright
Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater Documentary Trailer Computer Animation Video
International Style
Suburban sprawl
Isle Dauphine Country Club (1956) Dauphin Island, Alabama
Government Federal democratic republic Two-party system Three branch federal government Legislative Executive Judicial Two-party system Democratic party Republican party Third parties
Economy Free market/free enterprise U.S. has world’s largest national economy GDP – est. at $14.3 trillion in 2009 Low unemployment, high per capita GDP
U.S. dollar is world’s most popular currency World’s largest manufacturer Petroleum Steel Automobiles Aerospace Chemicals