General Grand Council CORPORATE FOUNDATION Our financial future
It all started with a book and a baseball cap in 2008. None of us know where the future might lead us. However, with planning, hard work, and staying focused, we know we will have a brighter ONE. It all started with a book and a baseball cap in 2008. At that triennial, R.P. George Sellars started with the goal of rebuilding the Corporate Foundation for our future.
ENTER THE ORDER OF THE SECRET VAULT At the 2011 Triennial -- another baseball cap and the history books. While these items were bringing in funds for the Foundation, there was a need to find a way to build the account faster. ENTER THE ORDER OF THE SECRET VAULT
“The College of Preservation confers the Order of the Secret Vault on the invited Companions that have accepted. These Companions of the Secret Vault are charged to preserve the degrees of the Council and preserve the General Grand Council. The honorarium is deposited in the Corporate Foundation in an effort to build the Corporate Foundation and delay or eliminate future per capita increases. Currently, the Corporate Foundation stands at approximately $70,000.00. When it reaches $100,000, a portion of the Foundation earninGs will be used to offset any budget deficit or unexpected liability.”
AT THE 2014 TRIENNIAL, WE INTRODUCED NEW ITEMS TO HELP CONTINUE TO BUILD OUR FUTURE. THE BOOK: “AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING” The original 15 lectures of Freemasonry for the degrees $10.00 THE COIN: THE ALPHA-OMEGA “Beginning – The End” $20.00
TOGETHER WE CAN BUILD A BETTER GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL. WITH YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT, TOGETHER WE WILL BUILD A STRONGER FINANCIAL FUTURE WAYS YOU CAN HELP Purchase items being sold to build our Corporate Foundation. Make your membership aware of the Corporate Foundation and the items being sold. Develop a campaign or special event in your Grand Jurisdiction to help build the Foundation TOGETHER WE CAN BUILD A BETTER GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL.