Parliamentary Procedure Texas FFA Chapter Conducting Contest
Importance Allows all opinions to be voiced equally Based on several democratic principles Allows a group to achieve objectives Keeps meetings on target and stops going off on a tangent Makes orderly group decisions Creates a record of the decisions of a group
Basics Introducing Business The why – business is what an organization comes together for The how – a member must gain recognition by the President/Chairman The process: Member: “Mr./Madam President” President: (calls name of member requesting recognition) Then the reason: Member: “Because…” Then the motion: Member”…I move that…” Usually a second is required: Different member: “Mr./Madam President, I second the motion” or simply “second”
Basics The restatement of the motion: The motion is now “on the floor” President: “The motion before the chapter is that… This motion is (insert the pertinent facts of the motion type). It is now open for discussion. The motion is now “on the floor” Only one motion can be on the floor at a time (with some exceptions) Any member can discuss the motion, except for the President. Members wanting to discuss must gain recognition from the President. Advisors should not influence the discussion. They should only provide information when asked. (never in a contest)
Basics Putting the Question (voting) Results President: “Are you ready for the question? Those in favor of the motion that…, say aye. Those opposed, say “no”. Results President: “The “ayes” have it and the motion to …. carries.” OR President: “The “nos” have it and the motion fails.” President taps the gavel once
Main Motion Purpose Pertinent Facts: To present an item of business for consideration and action by the chapter. Only one main motion may be before the chapter at any one time. When a main motion is pending and a subsidiary or an incidental motion arises, the subsidiary or incidental motion must be disposed of before further consideration is given to the main motion. However, a subsidiary motion may dispose of a main motion. Pertinent Facts: A second is required. It is always debatable and amendable. A majority vote is necessary. It may be reconsidered. It ranks last in precedence.
Main Motion Practice President: “What is the next item of business?” Member: “M/M President.” President: “(calls members name)” Member: “(Reason), I move that…” 2nd Member: “M/M President, I second the motion.” President: “A motion has been made and seconded that the chapter…. Is there any discussion.” Members may discuss at this point President: “Are you ready for the question? Those supporting the motion that… say “aye”. Those opposed say “no”. The ayes (or no’s) have it and the motion carries (or fails).” (Then the president restates the motion if it passes)
Subsidiary Motions (motions that apply to the main motion) Amend Lay on the Table Previous Question Refer to a committee
Amend Purpose Pertinent Facts To modify the motion that is under consideration. There are two levels, first rank and second rank. First rank amendments apply to the main motion, second rank amendments apply to the first rank amendments. You can change an amendment in three ways, striking out words, adding words, or striking and adding at the same time. Pertinent Facts A second is required It is debatable if the main motion to which it applies is debatable A first rank amendment is amendable, but a second rank is not. Majority vote is required It may be reconsidered.
Amend Practice Member: M/M President. President: (member name) Member: (State reason) I move that…(motion). Second member: Second President: (restates motion and opens discussion) 3rd member: (after gaining recognition) (State reason) I move to amend the main motion by (striking, adding, or both). Another member: Second President: (restates amendment, opens discussion) After this, discuss, vote on amendment, then vote on main motion
Lay on the Table Purpose Pertinent Facts To temporarily delay action on an item of business. Reasons for such a delay may be (1) to give members time to consider the proposal further or (2) to consider business of a more urgent nature. When a main motion is tabled, all amendments and other motions belonging to it are also tabled. Pertinent Facts A second is required. It is undebatable and unamendable. A majority vote is necessary. It cannot be reconsidered. (because it can be taken from the table, which will be discussed later)
Lay on the Table Practice (with a main motion on the floor) Member: “M/M President. (Gain recognition) then (Reason), I move to table the motion that…” 2nd Member: “M/M President, I second the motion.” President: “It has been moved and seconded to table the motion that …. This motion is undebatable, unamendable, and requires a majority vote. Those supporting the motion to table say aye. Those opposed say no. The ayes (no’s) have it and the motion that … is (or is not) tabled.” If the motion to table fails, the President will state “The motion still before the chapter is …..”
Previous Question Purpose Pertinent Facts To terminate discussion on the motion or motions before the chapter and to secure an immediate vote. If the previous question is called for without qualifications, only the immediately pending question is affected. If it is desired to close debate and vote on all pending questions, such as to refer to a committee and its amendment, then it is necessary to state, “I move the previous question on the motion to refer to committee.” Pertinent Facts A second is required. It is undebatable and unamendable. A two thirds vote is required. It may be reconsidered before the affirmative vote is taken on the pending question or questions.
Previous Question Practice (with a motion on the floor, during discussion) Member: “M/M President. (Recognition) I move the previous question.” 2nd Member: M/M President. I second the motion.” President: “The previous question has been called. This motion is undebatable, unamendable, and requires a two-thirds vote. Those supporting the motion please rise. (then sit down) Those opposed please rise. Their being X for and Y against, the motion carries (or fails) and the previous question is (or is not) called. We will now vote on the main motion that…”
Refer to a Committee Purpose Pertinent Facts To place the question temporarily in a committee. This action my be desired (1) to secure more detailed information, (2) to secure a recommendation form a smaller group, (3) to ensure privacy when dealing with a delicate matter, (4) to allow a more informal discussion of the item of business, and (5) to give a committee power to act. Either the member making the motion to refer designates the committee membership or the president will do it if it passes. Pertinent Facts A second is required. It is debatable and amendable. A majority vote is required. It may be reconsidered before the committee takes up the question. (meets)
Refer to a Committee Practice Member: “M/M President. (Recognition) I move that the motion that … be referred to a committee (consisting of…).” 2nd Member: “M/M President, I second the motion.” President: “It has been moved and seconded that we refer the motion that … to a committee (consisting of…). This motion is debatable, amendable, and requires a majority vote. It is now open for discussion.” President: “Are you ready for the question? Those supporting the motion to refer the motion that … to a committee (consisting of…) say aye. Those opposed say no. The ayes (no’s) have it and the motion carries (fails). (Assuming passage) It will be referred to a committee consisting of…”
Incidental Motions Point of Order Appeal from the decision of the chair Suspend standing rules Division of the assembly Nominations: make, close, and reopen Parliamentary Inquiry Leave to withdraw a motion
Point of Order Purpose Pertinent Facts To enforce the rules by calling attention to a violation of the rules or a mistake in procedure. Pertinent Facts It does NOT require a second It is undebatable and unamendable RECOGNITON IS NOT NECESSARY It may interrupt a speaker A vote is not required unless the president asks for one It may not be reconsidered
Point of Order Practice Something happens during the course of a meeting, such as a member not gaining recognition from the chair before speaking. Member: “M/M President, I rise to a point of order.” (then sit) President: “State your point”. Member: (Standing again) “(some other member) didn’t gain recognition before speaking.” President: “You are correct and the point is sustained. (other member) please gain recognition before speaking.”
Appeal from the Decision of the Chair Purpose To obtain a decision form the chapter to a question on which the presiding officer has made a decision (prevent dictatorship) Pertinent Facts A second is required It is debatable but unamendable A majority vote or tie vote is required to sustain the chair It cannot be reconsidered
Appeal from the Decision of the Chair Practice President: “After talking to the principal, I have decided that the chapter will …” Member: “M/M President, I appeal from the decision of the chair.” 2nd Member: “I second the appeal.” President: “An appeal has been taken from the decision of the chair. In this instance, the motion is debatable, unamendable, and requires a majority or tie vote to sustain the chair. It is now open for discussion.” (Discussion) President: “Are you ready for the question? Those supporting the decision of the chair that …., say aye. Those opposed say no. The ayes (no’s) have it and the chair is (or is not) sustained.”