Year 3 2016-2017 Class Teacher – Mrs Nicholls Year 3/4 Teacher – Mrs Richards Teaching Assistant – Mrs Jones
The School Day Doors open at 8:40am. Register taken at 8:50am. Morning break at 10:45am and lunch at 12:15pm. No “official” afternoon break in KS2! Children are dismissed at 3:15pm – collection from the KS1 playground.
Be Prepared! Healthy Snacks/Healthy Lunch. Water Fountain/Water Bottle. PE Kit, trainers and indoor shoes in school every day. Inhalers/medicines need to have the correct paperwork and be in date. Correct uniform (no jewellery). Art aprons. One pencil case: pencils, rubber, sharpener, colouring pencils (NO felt tips!), scissors, glue, and ruler.
Expectations in KS2 Greater responsibility and independence. School rules should be adhered to at all times. Effort and enthusiasm to follow these rules and make St Peter’s a happy place are rewarded with positive recognition, house-points and rewards. When rules are broken, behaviour marks are given. The aim is that these are redeemed. For more serious incidents, children will miss their lunchtime and use the time to reflect on how to mend the situation and learn from it.
The Year 3 Curriculum
Small Group Teaching This year, we have 3 teachers working across Year 3 and Year 4. Mrs Richards will be supporting both classes during the year. Maths will be taught in groups of 20 (a Year 3 Group, a Year 4 Group, and a Year 3/4 Mixed Group). English will be taught in groups of 15 with each class split in half. Theses groups are fluid and children can be moved between them.
Homework Homework will be handed out on Friday and handed in on Wednesday. Weekly Spellings. Weekly Maths Homework. Alternating Reading comprehension/Topic Homework (written). Homework will be recorded in the children’s planners. New Reading Books will also come home on a Friday. Please, please try to ensure that your child is reading regularly at home!
Live and Learn as Friends of Jesus. Catholic Life Mass Rota – please come along if you can. 10% of teaching time. Prayer Books. First Holy Communion. Preparation Class on a Wednesday after school. Provisional First Holy Communion Dates for 2017 are 7th & 21st May. Live and Learn as Friends of Jesus.
Growth Mindset
Any Questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything you are worried about. A quick chat at the gate is fine for small things or please contact the school office if you would like to arrange a meeting.