Warm Up Get out HW (Explorers Review) put on page 23 Pick up warm off of bookshelf, goes on page 24. need markers or colored pencils
What happened after the explorers found the new lands
1st- The Aztecs, Mayans and Incan Empires were destroyed
Aztecs - Soon after Cortez landed in Mexico he learned of the vast and wealthy Aztec Empire. - Cortez and nearly 600 troops spent weeks walking through difficult mountain passes and finally reached the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan - At first Montezuma thought Cortez was a god and agreed to give him gold, however, Cortez was not happy. Cortez admitted he “ had a disease that only gold could cure” and demanded more gold - In 1520 the Aztecs rebelled against the Spanish intruders and drove out Cortez’s forces - The Spaniards, however, fought back and conquered the Aztecs in 1521.
1. they had more advanced weaponry The Spaniards won because: 1. they had more advanced weaponry 2. Cortez convinced other native groups to help fight the Aztecs 3. the Spaniards spread measles, mumps and smallpox, devastating the Aztec population
Incans -In 1522 Francisco Pizzarro captured the Incan Empire. He even strangled the Incan ruler, Atahualpa to death. -Spanish explores also conquered the Mayans in the Yucatan and Guatemala
2nd – The Europeans ruled the new lands as dictators and established a rigid class system - Although Spanish conquerors lived among and intermarried with the native people, they also oppressed them - In a system known as encomienda, natives farmed, ranched or mined for Spanish landlords - The Spanish colonists promised the Spanish rulers they would treat the workers fairly, however, many were worked to death. - The natives were seen as “lesser” people in the eyes of the Europeans mainly because they did not practice Christianity and did not speak the same language. Europeans tried to force Christianity on the natives in hopes of “helping “ them.
3rd- Colonies imitated their homeland cultures in these New lands - They typically set up the same forms of government, social values, customs, languages and religions - Referred to these new lands as New Spain and New France
4th eventually when the slave trade begins the colonists will force some Africans into slavery Europeans killed off too many Native Americans, so they needed a new source of labor Europeans set up trading posts along the coast of Africa . Slaves, Gold, Gum and Ivory were typically transported out of Africa
5th- Asia was invaded by competing Europeans searching for wealth -In a short time the 3 leading nations in Asia were England, the Dutch ( Netherlands) and Portugal. - Each of these countries had their own East Indian Company which were in charge of handling the affairs that took place overseas - Each company had the ability to mint money, make treaties and raise their own armies - The Dutch East India Company was richer and more powerful than England’s and Portugal’s companies. - As a result the Dutch drove out the British and Portuguese and established dominance over the Far East region Dominance meant money, power and prestige
6th- European Nations began to fight over land Treaty of Toredsillas – 1494 Spain and Portugal signed a treaty dividing up the new lands
Ending Act Page 27 Spanish Conquistador: 5 things they would see 5 things they would hear 5 things they would feel Page 28 Native American 5 things they would see 5 things they would hear 5 things they would feel
Warm UP PAGE 31 . Write down the unscrambled word and quickly write down how it relates to exploration EC for 1st 3 done Example- AD MAAG- 1. Da Gama- from Portugal, route to India 1. AKEDR 2. ZEORTC 3. IZPAOZR 4. IERARCT 5. LLGAMEAN 6. TIACITHRISNY 7. INPCER YHENR 8. ASPIN 9. LLAMS OXP 10. AECAVRL PIHS 11. YROVI 12. LODG 13. ASCOMPS
Warm Up- Page 31 1. What are the 4 Gs? 2. List 3 new inventions that made exploration possible 3. Which European nation had the most exploration trips? 4. Who created a navigation school in Portugal? 5. What was the Columbian Exchange? 6. How did the Columbian Exchange change the world? 7. What did these ppl do: A. Drake B. Cortez C. Pizzaro D. Magellan E. Cartier F. Columbus G. Da Gama
Warm up On page 34 List 5 things you already know about American slavery
What was the Columbian Exchange Trading of goods and diseases between the Western and Eastern Hemispheres
Impact of the Columbian Exchange
1st- European plantation systems in the Caribbean and the Americas destroyed indigenous (local) economies and damaged the environment
2nd- Capitalism- individuals could become wealthy by investing in colonization and selling new products. - Merchants grew wealthier
3rd- Joint Stock Companies arose which are when individuals each put in a percentage of the cost associated with colonization and plantation work - Protected the investor
4th –Slavery- European Colonists did not have enough labor to grow and export their cash crops so they began importing slaves from Africa - Slavery was based on race
5th- Mercantilism – The idea that a county’s power is determined by their wealth - Colonies need to send all resources ( gold, silver, cotton, sugar…) back to their country to help their country become wealthier.
8th- A Commercial Revolutions. 6th -Western Hemisphere agricultural products such as corn, potatoes, and tobacco changed European lifestyles 7th- European horses and cattle changed the lifestyles of American Indians 8th- A Commercial Revolutions. Lots more money in being circulated New money and banking systems were created. Colonial economies were limited by the economic needs of the mother country.
Slavery and Triangle Trade
Slavery in Africa 1. Slavery had existed in Africa for years 2. Some slaves were prisoners of war, some were kidnapped and some were traded. 3. Slaves that remained in Africa did have some rights and slavery was not hereditary in Africa.
Slavery around the World 4.Sugar plantations and tobacco farms required a large supply of workers. Europeans had planned on using Native Americans, however, millions died from disease and warfare. 5. In the late 1400’s Europeans began to look towards Africa for slaves to meet their labor shortage needs: Why people wanted African Slaves 1st- had built up immunity to diseases 2nd- had farming and plantation experience 3rd- had little knowledge of America and had no tribes to hide with
6th- Slaves were transported using the Triangle Trade system, which connected Europe, Africa and the Americas
7. Among the products traded were cotton, rum, slaves, gold, silver and sugar 8. The Atlantic Ocean was considered the Middle Passage. While crossing the Atlantic around 20 % of slaves died because of disease and other inhumane conditions
Middle Passage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nePOpkYwjY
Exporting of Precious Metals The mining of precious metals was a huge achievement for man The vast majority of gold was coming out of Africa. Around 60% of all silver was mined in present-day Mexico. The precious metals were being exported to Europe and Asia
Spain was amongst the first European nations to discover the Silver mines. Spain had a large amount of silver and gold being imported each year. Also around the 1600’s Spain experienced a steady growth in the population.
Because of the increase in Spain’s population and their intense desire to mine metals, Spain did not have enough of a food supply, which caused prices to rise (inflation) Because Spain now had to charge more money for their supplies they were no longer able to be competitive in the international trading market
Spain’s inflation was spread throughout Europe Between 1500-1600’s much of Europe experienced a large increase in prices People living on fixed incomes were hurt badly because their money was worth less in this competitive market