Germany, Italy, and Japan Look to Expand
Japan has visions of an Empire Due to poor global economy, Japan changes government Military government with Emperor Hirohito as the leader Japan wanted Pacific Empire
Cont. 1931-Japan invades China (Manchuria specifically) Later Nanking in December of 1937 This aggression by Japan is the first test of the League of Nations They do nothing
Italy’s Expansion Ethiopia-1935 Looking for military conquest, colonial empire, and revenge, Mussolini moves into Ethiopia Haile Selassie (Ethiopian Emperor) begs League of Nations for help. They do nothing and Italy takes control of Ethiopia
Germany’s Expansion Hitler, like Mussolini, also wanted military conquest In addition, he wanted to do away with the terms from the Treaty of Versailles. Declares this in March of 1935. Rebuilds the entire German Military March 1936-Mobilized military and takes Rhineland Rhineland was a buffer between France and Germany Great Britain and France’s reaction: use the policy of Appeasement Giving into an aggressor to preserve peace November 1936-Germany, Italy, & Japan form the Axis Powers
Civil War in Spain July 1936-Civil war between Fascist (known as Nationalist) and the Republicans Hitler and Mussolini sent military aid to the Spanish Fascists Saw as chance to test their newly created military 1939-Fascist win and their leader, Francisco Franco becomes the new political leader of Spain.
Giving into Hitler Sucker Hitler continues his expansion This will work for sure! Sucker Hitler continues his expansion Annexes Austria, then looks to take Sudetenland (buffer between Germany and Czechoslovakia) Munich Conference (Sept 29, 1938): Meeting between Great Britain, France, Italy, & Germany Again, using appeasement, GB and France get Hitler to agree not to expand any more
Last facts March 1939-Hitler violates Munich Agreement & occupies Czechoslovakia Knowing that war was coming, Hitler does not want to fight a two front war Signs Nonaggression Pact (Nazi-Soviet Pact) with Soviet Union (Aug. 23, 1939) Agreed to create spheres of influence throughout E. Europe (specifically Poland)