Career Management 3.02 Check the progression of formal and informal learning experiences toward achieving personal and career goals.
Check personal attainment of graduation requirements/post-secondary education entrance requirements. 1. Career pathway Ensure you are following the path to what you want to do after high school…
2. Course of Study/4 Year Plan Ensure you are following the path to what you want to do after high school…
3. University of North Carolina entrance requirements (Visit www. cfnc 3. University of North Carolina entrance requirements (Visit 4. North Carolina Community College System entrance requirements (Visit College Foundation of North Carolina’s website) Ensure you are following the path to what you want to do after high school…
Attainment of College credit in high school a. Huskin’s courses The Huskins program is a partnership between Central Carolina Community College and the local school systems to provide high school students with the opportunity to take college courses. Attainment of College credit in high school
Attainment of College credit in high school b. Dual Enrollment courses *have to take the ASSET/ACCUPLACER test Students enrolled in dual credit classes receive both high school and college credit for the successful completion of the college-level course. Attainment of College credit in high school
Attainment of College credit in high school c. Articulation agreements - students can move from high school to community college without having to duplicate efforts or repeat courses. Criteria used to award college credit for identified CTE courses include: Final grade of B or higher in the course. A RAW score of 80 or higher on the standardized CTE post assessment test. Students must enroll at the community college within two years of their high school graduation date to receive articulated credit. Attainment of College credit in high school
Attainment of College credit in high school d. AP/IB courses The extent to which colleges will give credit or placement varies among colleges: AP scores (usually a score of at least 3) IB scores (usually a score of at least 5). Attainment of College credit in high school
Completion of placement tests/practice tests a. Community college 1). ASSET 2). COMPASS 3). Accuplacer b. College/University 1). PSAT 2). SAT 3). ACT c. Military training – ASVAB d. Government training – Civil Service Exam Completion of placement tests/practice tests
Every post-secondary institution requires an application for admission which includes: 1. Courses that the student has taken 2. Grades earned 3. High school and community activities that the student has been involved in Use collected information to complete an application for post-secondary education admission.
Evaluate options for reducing the cost of post-secondary education 1. Grants - $ awarded based upon family financial need Evaluate options for reducing the cost of post-secondary education
2. Work study – work during college 3. Scholarships - $ awarded based upon academic and sport achievement (Counseling offices are a good source of information on scholarships) 4. Student Loans – must be paid back to lending intuitions (Guaranteed Student Loan – Stafford Loan)