When solving #30 and #34 on page 156, you must “complete the square.”
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Check even answers for p.156
4-1 Polynomial Functions Find the zero of a function. Find the root of an equation. Find the x-intercepts of the graph. All of these are solved the same way by setting the equation equal to zero, then solving for x.
Complex number: a + bi real # imaginary # Reminders: a. b. c.
The degree (highest exponent) of an equation indicates the possible number of complex roots (which includes real and/or imaginary.) Example 1: 4th degree: so it has 4 complex roots graph crosses x-axis twice, so 2 real roots The other 2 roots are imaginary
Example 2: 4th degree 4 complex roots graph crosses x-axis 4 times, so there are 4 real roots