Discovering the Leader Within You: Where You’ve Been Integrating the Life Sciences from Molecule to Organism The American Physiological Society Discovering the Leader Within You: Where You’ve Been Captain Thomas C. Herzig Executive Officer Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory Presented on April 5, 2016 At EB 2016 San Diego, CA April 2016
Leadership and Management Skills: What You Might Not See in Your CV The American Physiological Society This presentation is part of 2016 Career Symposium on Leadership and Management Skills: What You Might Not See in Your CV Organized by the APS Career Opportunities in Physiology Committee For more information and to listen to other presentations: © 2016 The American Physiological Society ( Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives (
Where you have been impacts where you are going The American Physiological Society Where you have been impacts where you are going Course development Teaching labs or coursework Leading seminar Laboratory management Committee service Community service Team player Purchasing Budgeting Writing – manuscripts, proposals, plans Internships (e.g., OLA) PI Faculty (teaching or research focused) Leadership (dept or corp level) Management Independent vs large group Policy vs practice Tactical, Operational, Strategic Levels of an organization
What skills do you have? The American Physiological Society Course development Teaching labs or coursework Leading seminar Laboratory management Committee service Community service Team player Purchasing Budgeting Writing – manuscripts, proposals, plans Internships (e.g., OLA) Leading self Leading others Managing resources Budgeting / Finance Time management Scope control Marketing / Sales Teamwork
Skills, gaps, direction The American Physiological Society Scientific Research Types of jobs desired Keys of success for job Skills held, need, can get Education Target efforts to achieve goals Success! Project conception or initiation Project planning Project execution Project control and monitoring Project closeout Project Management
Captain Thomas C. Herzig The American Physiological Society Captain Thomas C. Herzig BS, Southwestern University; PhD, UTHSCSA; MSPM, George Washington Univ.; PMP certificate He has held research, faculty, and staff positions, working in R&D, university, and HQ settings, respectively. He has also served as a dept head, director, senior scientist, Chief Medical Planner, and deputy Surgeon. CAPT Herzig has moved into executive medicine, and currently serves as the executive officer (COO) of the Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory.
For more information, to listen to other presentations, The American Physiological Society For more information, to listen to other presentations, and for the PowerPoints with active links and/or other resources For further information, contact APS Education Office