Welcome to CosPA 2016! Venue – Sydney Nanoscience Hub (SNH), teaching wing Plenary sessions: Mon-Fri, 9:00-12:30 – Messel Lecture Theatre (Rm 4002) Parallel sessions: Mon, Tue, Thu, start 14:00 – Rms 4002, 4001, 3001, 3003.
Welcome to CosPA 2016! Coffee breaks: SNH Messel foyer, 10:30-11:00 (morning); 15:40-16:10 (afternoon, except Wed, Fri) Lunch breaks: 12:30-14:00
Glebe Point Rd eateries Food Court Manning House Ralph’s Cafe SNH Wentworth Bld. King Str eateries
Welcome to CosPA 2016! Welcome reception: SNH Courtyard, Mon 18:00-20:00pm Conference photo: Messel Lecture Theatre, Tue 12:30pm Public Lecture: Prof Manfred Lindner “The Dark Side of the Universe” – Messel Lecture Theatre, Tue 19:00pm http://whatson.sydney.edu.au/events/published/sydney-ideas-professor-manfred-lindner
Welcome to CosPA 2016! Self-organised excursion: Wed from 12:30pm Conference dinner: Italian Village, The Rocks, Thu 19:00. Bus transportation to the dinner venue – 18:15, from Fisher Library on campus
Welcome to CosPA 2016! Internet: Eduroam (within the campus), UniSydney-Guest (SNH) Username: CosPA2016 Password: 04613983
Welcome to CosPA 2016! Speakers: Please upload your talk to the indico webpage as soon as it ready, at least 30 min before the designated session! Having trouble – bring your talk to the session chair on the memory stick well in advance of the session.
Enjoy the conference and your stay in Sydney! Welcome to CosPA 2016! Further Info Conference webpage: https://indico.cern.ch/event/491882/overview Information board in the foyer E-mail: physics.cospa2016@sydney.edu.au Ask us Enjoy the conference and your stay in Sydney!