Synthesis from scenarios and requirements


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Presentation transcript:

Synthesis from scenarios and requirements Joint work with R. Alur, M. Martin, M. Raghothaman, A. Udupa (UPenn), and C. Stergiou (Berkeley & Upenn) Part of NSF Expeditions Project ExCAPE (co-PI) Tripakis

Synthesis – raising the level of abstraction in system design Verification: Design system “by hand”: 𝑆 State system requirements: 𝜙 Check if system meets requirements: 𝑆⊨𝜙 ? Synthesis: Generate automatically (synthesize) system 𝑆 that satisfies 𝜙 by construction. Tripakis

Limitations of synthesis Methodologically difficult Not always easy to write complete formal specs (e.g., imagine complete formal spec for Intel Pentium) Algorithmically expensive => does not scale E.g., doubly exponential algorithms in the length of the formal spec (temporal logic formulas) Generally undecidable for distributed controllers Tripakis

ABP: reliable transmission over an unreliable channel Sending client Receiving client deliver done msg O,1 O,1 Forward channel ABP sender ABP receiver O,1 O,1 Backward channel Channels are lossy but FIFO.

Challenge problem: synthesize the ABP automatically! Sending client Receiving client deliver done msg O,1 O,1 Forward channel ? ? O,1 O,1 Backward channel

Can be formalized as a decentralized controller synthesis problem Plant Controller 1 Controller 2 (locally) observable events controllable Unfortunately problem is undecidable …

Our work: Synthesis from Scenarios and Requirements Idea: combine requirements + example scenarios Synthesis tool example scenarios formal requirements (safety, liveness, deadlock-freedom, …) synthesized protocol (state machines) These are typically not complete specs! Tripakis

Synthesis using Scenarios Learn (generalize) behavior from examples Often only a few scenarios required (1-10) Synthesis becomes an automata completion problem Scenario 1 (nominal) Scenario 2 (msg loss) Scenario 3 (ack loss) Scenario 4 (delay)

From Scenarios to Incomplete Automata Process S0: empty message history S1: a! S0 initial S2: a! b? a! a! b? S1 S0 S1 S2 b? S0 = S2 a! initial S1 S2 initial b?

Automata Completion Incomplete automata using first scenario: ABP Receiver ABP Sender Completed automata after adding missing inputs:

Synthesis from Scenarios and Requirements: Results Able to synthesize the Alternating Bit Protocol (ABP) and other simple finite-state protocols (cache coherence, consensus, …) fully automatically [HVC 2014]. Progress towards industrial-level protocols modeled as extended state machines [CAV 2015]: synthesis of symbolic expressions. Tripakis

Counterexample-guided Synthesis from Scenarios and Requirements: completion of (extended) state machines At the heard of the synthesis method: completion of incomplete machines: find missing transitions, guards, assignments, etc. Counterexample-guided synthesis Tripakis

Back-up slides Tripakis

Synthesis from LTL Tripakis

Synthesis – state of the art Able to automatically synthesize controller for an avionic electric power generation and distribution system (EPS) Formal spec: LTL (linear temporal logic) Using Tulip synthesis tool (Caltech) Input: ~40 lines of LTL Output: ~3k lines of Matlab Synthesis time < 1 min EPS Case study by: Pierluigi Nuzzo & Antonio Iannopollo (UC Berkeley), and Eelco Scholte (UTC)

Case study “Manual” controller design vs. Controller automatically synthesized from formal specification Tripakis

Case study: controller design for an avionic electric power generation and distribution system (EPS) Case study by: Pierluigi Nuzzo & Antonio Iannopollo (UC Berkeley), and Eelco Scholte (UTC)

EPS requirements (in English) Assumptions: Guarantees:

EPS requirements (in English)

“Manual” controller design “Hand-written” controller: ~2 PhD student weeks Complex, not obvious that it works ⇒ Still needs to be verified

[](gl_healthy | gr_healthy | al_healthy | ar_healthy) Formal specification From English to a formal specification language Linear temporal logic (LTL) Close mapping from English to LTL: [](gl_healthy | gr_healthy | al_healthy | ar_healthy)

Formal specification for EPS ~40 lines of LTL #Assumptions (gl_healthy & gr_healthy & al_healthy & ar_healthy) [](gl_healthy | gr_healthy | al_healthy | ar_healthy) [](!gl_healthy -> X(!gl_healthy) ) [](!gr_healthy -> X(!gr_healthy) ) [](!al_healthy -> X(!al_healthy) ) [](!ar_healthy -> X(!ar_healthy) ) #Guarantees (!c1 & !c2 & !c3 & !c4 & !c5 & !c6 & !c7 & !c8 & !c9 & !c10 & !c11 & !c12 & !c13) [](X(c7) & X(c8) & X(c11) & X(c12) & X(c13)) [](!(c2 & c3)) [](!(c1 & c5 & (al_healthy | ar_healthy))) [](!(c4 & c6 & (al_healthy | ar_healthy))) []((X(gl_healthy) & X(gr_healthy) ) -> X(!c2) & X(!c3) & X(!c9) & X(!c10)) []((X(!gl_healthy) & X(!gr_healthy) ) -> X(c9) & X(c10)) [](X(!gl_healthy)-> X(!c1) ) [](X(!gr_healthy)-> X(!c4) ) [](X(!al_healthy)-> X(!c2) ) [](X(!ar_healthy)-> X(!c3) ) [](X(gl_healthy) -> X(c1) ) [](X(gr_healthy) -> X(c4) ) … #Guarantees … [](!gl_healthy -> X(c5)) [](!gr_healthy -> X(c6)) []((X(gl_healthy) & X(gr_healthy) ) -> (X(!c5) & X(!c6) )) []((X(!gl_healthy) & X(al_healthy) & X(gr_healthy) ) -> ( X(c2) & X(c3)) ) []((X(!gl_healthy) & X(!gr_healthy) & X(al_healthy) & !c3 & !c2) -> X(c2) ) []((X(al_healthy) & c2) -> X(c2) ) []((X(ar_healthy) & c3) -> X(c3) ) []((X(!gl_healthy) & X(!al_healthy) & X(ar_healthy) & !c2) -> X(c3) ) []((X(!gr_healthy) & X(!ar_healthy) & X(al_healthy) & !c3) -> X(c2) ) []((!gl_healthy & !al_healthy & !ar_healthy) -> X(c6) ) []((!gr_healthy & !ar_healthy & !al_healthy) -> X(c5) )

Automatic controller synthesis from LTL spec Controller (~3k lines of Matlab code) automatically synthesized in <1 min using the tool Tulip (Caltech)