National Drought Information Statement Directive Drought Monitor Forum Portland, OR October 10-11, 2007 Doug Kluck Climate Service Program Manager Central Region – NWS
What is a Directive and a Supplement? Directive: A national policy or set of rules for the NWS Supplement: A regional policy based on national directive
Currently 122 NWS Weather Forecast Offices issue drought information based on regional guidance (ESF & PNS) Regional supplements similar now but no national policy
Why do we need a national policy? Regional inconsistencies and approach Demand for consistent information and structure Additional information requested from many sources such as current conditions, local & state impacts and outlooks Direct National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) linkage and application (i.e. Drought Portal)
Two Rule Directive Basic Issuance Premise: When drought reaches a point in which serious impacts are realized Rule 1: When the Drought Monitor indicates D2 or worse any where within the Weather Forecast Office’s area of responsibility Rule 2: Minimum frequency of issuance is once a month as long as D2 is present.
Mandatory Content Headline Synopsis Summary of Impacts (e.g. federal, state, local actions, soil moisture & ground water, ag. Interests, fire, water restrictions, navigation, environmental, other… Climate Summary
Mandatory Content Precipitation/Temperature Outlook Hydrologic Summary & Outlook Next Issuance Date Related Web Sites Acknowledgements Questions and Comments
Other Considerations Can it be issued more than once a month? Absolutely and it is highly encouraged depending upon severity When during the month? As soon as D2 or worse is noted in the area and/or As soon as possible after the issuance of the Drought Monitor (Thursday morning each week)
Participants All Regions NWSEO National Drought Mitigation Center (Mark Svoboda) University of Arizona (Greg Garfin) New Jersey State Climatologist (Dave Robinson) NWSHQ - OCCWS (Hydrology and Climate)
Current Status Provided briefing to NWS Corporate Board Not well received by NCEP Worry that the field offices would contradict Drought Monitor in statements Worry that there would be 122 different versions of drought across the nation Answering Misperceptions of the Directive The DM is the trigger and would not be contradicted. The local offices has an outlet to contradict via Drought Listserve now and opinions can be vented. 122 versions of drought information across the nation is exactly what is needed to explain the difference in impacts of drought. Either way 122 offices will issue drought information statements with or without a national policy. It is quite possible that if no national policy is agreed upon the regions will draft supplements that mirror each other with minor diffferences. Will eventually be issued as a DGT message
Where’s the Information? Hydrologic Information Center
Thank You