LGSS Briefing Pack August 2016
About LGSS Established in October 2010 through ‘merging’ back office functions of Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire County Councils into a single, shared service operation Milton Keynes Council joined as 3rd Shareholding Partner in April 2016, with representation on the LGSS Joint Committee In addition LGSS has partnerships with many other public sector organisations including district and borough Councils, Health Sector organisations and Adult Social Care providers LGSS has total delegated budgets of c£88.1m per annum and c1,725 staff
LGSS Strategy and Market focus Business ethos is “By the Public Sector, for the Public Sector”: An attractive alternative to traditional Outsourcing A ‘step change’ in public sector Shared Services over Joint Venture and Consortia model Growth is focused in the public sector within our ‘LGSS Region’ : Across neighbouring regional Counties Local public services, includes District & Boroughs, Unitaries, County Councils, Health, Police, Education With ‘like minded’ partners via Delegation only: No expensive OJEUs, no joining fees etc Agreed business case driven + shared risk and reward, open reporting partnering model Our focus is on delivering joint efficiencies/ savings, and supporting transformation of public services LGSS Region
LGSS Strategy Map 2 mins You will recognise this diagram from your LGSS Online Induction (pre-learning to this event) We call this diagram our ‘Strategy Map’ and it encapsulates the Strategic Ambitions and Strategic Direction of LGSS. Each of these blue ‘balloons’ is documented in detail within our 5 years business plan, which was recently endorsed early this year by the LGSS JC Board and our shareholders. I will expand on the LGSS Vision, on ‘our Services’ and on ‘our Strategic Business Outcomes’ . After me Christine will expand on our Values and Competencies in her section. Matt on the Financial climate and Ian on the opportunities for IT And then Quentin will later expand on the LGSS Shareholder structures and how LGSS Governance works with our shareholders and customers. So let’s start with ‘our Vision’ which is to be......”The most Highly Regarded public sector Shared Service and Business Transformation ‘partner of Choice’ for the Public Sector” The original LGSS Vision Statement was until recently, to be....”The No 1 Public Sector shared service” but we deliberately changed it this to be.....”The most Highly Regarded public sector shared service..” to emphasis that we will strive to “the Best” and not necessarily “the biggest” public sector shared service. So its quality over quantity for future growth, its definitely not a “growth for growth’s sake” strategy. We will focus on only doing business with “like minded” customers who share and believe in the same Business Ethos as LGSS which is “By the Public sector, for the Public Sector”. So new customers will “choose” to join LGSS, and equally we will “choose” who we do business with in an future expansion! And LGSS’s future growth is focused on all citizen facing, Public Service organisations operating within, and adjacent to, our two founding counties. So LGSS is NOT just Local Government – we will seek out “like minded” more new customers in health, police, fire, care services, education. LINK to next slide; In fact LGSS already provides many of our shared services to most type of public services already... And here is a summary of LGSS customers....
Our Services
LGSS Customers Schools and Academies
LGSS - A few key facts & figures Revenues and Benefits process over 235,000 change of circumstance forms per annum Property Services manage a client portfolio of over 1,300 properties with a value of over £2 billion. LGSS Insurance process 1,600+ claims per annum LGSS Pensions support 40,000+ active members LGSS volumes Democratic Services support 183 Councillors IT Services support 15,000+ end users and over 600 applications HR and Payroll Services provided for 42,000+ people Accounts Payable process 970,000+ invoices annually NB: Figures correct as at March 2016
LGSS Management & Governance Model
How LGSS delivers service improvements & efficiencies Increasing economies-of-scale for the shared benefit of all Look to converge / simplify / standardise – i.e. do it once / do it well! Evolve to ‘Centres of excellence’ service delivery model – eliminate duplication, improve skills, better leverage and award winning capabilities: IRRV Revenues Team of the Year 2013 – Winner (Gold Medal) IRRV Excellence in Staff Development 2013 – Silver Medal IRRV Excellence in Staff Development 2014 – Winner (Gold Medal) Pensions manager of the Year (2013) IT SOCITM ‘Service Excellence’ for NBC (2013) Creating a greater ‘customer focus’ culture Offering greater service resilience Opportunities for sharing customer investments e.g. Agresso & Mobile Solutions Leveraging best practice across all of our customers e.g. Self-service, e-Channels
The LGSS Workforce Profile LGSS Workforce Profile, including MKC and CBC (c1,725 FTEs)
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