Selected activities – Services IPv4 Allocations – accelerating Single /8 allocation in Japan IPv6 Allocations – still slow “per address” fee issue affecting large networks, recently adjusted New member/community services ISP support website VOIP access to helpdesk (coming soon) Resource certificates RFC 3779 (secure BGP) New training activities DNS, Routing, IPv6, Spam and Security
Selected activities – “Governance” Dialog with governments Korea and China Open Regional Dialog on Internet Governance (UNDP) APNIC staff and operational support Papers Geography and competition ICANN, WSIS, WGIG On and on and on…
Rootservers ‘Anycast’ root server deployments APNIC PoPs Working with root operators (F, I, K, M) Work in progress AU (K), (I), JP (K), IN, SG, KH, PK, CN, BD APNIC PoPs Reliable distributed services AU, JP, HK 10 instances of root server deployment across region. Telco class facility with power 24x7 operations etc. Diesel backed power and Air Conditioning, telco class telehousing facility. Will host APNIC DNS services, whois, external web, and act as Disaster recovery site for back office. Hosts AU Root server instances (F, K)
Policy Status prop-018-v001 Protecting historical records in APNIC Whois database Impl Dec ’04 prop-017-v001 Recovering unused historical address space managed by APNIC Mar ’05 prop-027-v001 Extension of large space IPv4 trial for future IPv6 deployment Imp May ‘05 prop-025-v001 Proposal on IPv6 IRR service at APNIC Jul ’05 prop-020-v001 HD ratio for IPv4 survey http://www.apnic.net/docs/policy
APNIC 20 – Hanoi, Vietnam
APNIC 21 – Perth, Australia With APRICOT 2006 http://www.2006.apricot.net 28 Feb – 3 March Perth
Thank you save@apnic.net