Did you know…? 25 weeks 175 days 98 working days You need to revise now…
Success Stage 1 : Learning the content first time round Stage 2 : Revision Stage 3 : The exam
What is revision? Revision means going over material already learnt, reviewing current knowledge and adding to it. The key is working out how to make revision activities memorable. Make sure you understand the information you are trying to revise Get assistance from those around you Arrange revision sessions with friends; decide the subject and topic you are going to study and how you will revise it. Use published revision guides and online tools such as GCSE Bitesize. Make to-do lists. They are very useful in helping to organise .yourself.
Revision timetable
How to use a revision timetable Set a definite time to start and finish your session and stick to it. Work on difficult topics in the morning when your mind is fresh. Take frequent planned breaks but GO BACK TO YOUR WORK – don’t get involved in the TV or waste time on Facebook! A good guide is for every hour you work have a break of 15 minutes. If you are starting to fidget, get up and walk around while reading or testing yourself. Plan a variety of subjects each day/session so you do not get bored. Share revision time between subjects, focus mainly on the next exam but do not neglect the other subjects. Work in a quiet area, not listening to music. Work in a well lit area. You might get a headache if the light is poor. Make sure you drink lots of water to keep hydrated—avoid fizzy, sugary drinks! Practice! Try sample questions in exam conditions.
The basics
Plan ahead
Exam literacy Understanding what exam questions expect of you is key to your success. Did you know that many of the INSTRUCTION words in exam questions are common across your subjects? So, if you understand what these instructions are asking you to do you are more likely to meet the expectations of the different mark schemes.
Exam literacy Here are the key INSTRUCTION words identified by your teachers: Analyse, Calculate, Compare, Contrast, Conclude, Define, Describe, Discuss, Suggest, Use Evaluate, Explain, Explore, Identify, Illustrate, Interpret, Respond, State
Get going! Don’t leave revision until the last minute Ask your teachers now if you are unsure of what you need to know Plan your revision timetable Keep revisiting topics, revising them only once won’t do! Focus on your weaknesses
Make your revision active Exam question practice is vital
Concept maps
Tree diagrams
Make your revision active
Know the exams What do you need to know for each paper? What types of question will you have to answer? What are the topics? How do you structure your answers?
Practice makes permanent Get practice papers and mark schemes Keep practising Hand them in and get feedback
Imagine opening the envelope …
Exam day Session Exam Start time Students to be at exam room by… Morning 8.45am 8.40am (go to morning registration to be marked as ‘present’ then go straight to the exam room) Mid-morning 11.10am 11.00am Afternoon 2.00pm 1.50pm (do not go to afternoon registration) Bring the correct equipment – clear pencil case, BLACK pens, pencil, ruler, calculator. Mobile phones and Smart watches (including fit bits) are prohibited from being in your possession in an exam. They can be left in a box at the front of the room but MUST be switched off.
Conduct during Y11 examinations Most students will be based in the main hall or small hall. Check your timetable daily. If you have a reader or scribe you will be in N15. Only those with extra time are to sit in the main hall in Row A so that you can be easily identified (ie in front of the piano). On the odd occasion you may be in room N15 – CHECK YOUR TIMETABLE! No drawing/doodling on desks – they are checked before & after each exam. No toilet breaks. Zero marks will be given to students seen communicating or making distracting behaviour. You can collect your personal exam timetable on the way out of the hall today – keep this safely in your planner.