The influence of oxytocin on eating behaviours and stress in eating disorders We are investigating the impact a single dose of oxytocin (natural hormone) on food related anxiety and stress in people with Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder. We are looking for people with Bulimia Nervosa or Binge Eating Disorder If you decide to take part, you will attend three sessions: Screening (~60 min. ) involves completing a standard screening and MRI safety questionnaires. We will also ask you to complete some questionnaires online. Also, a sample blood and pregnancy test will be collected during the first session. Sessions 1 and 2 (3 hours.) involve the administration of oxytocin or placebo followed by an MRI scan. During the MRI scan you will be asked to complete some simple computerised tasks. After the MRI scan you will be asked to complete some computerised tasks and be invited to take part in a taste test. Saliva samples will also be collected during both experimental sessions. You will be reimbursed for your travel expenses and participation (£50 voucher). If you are interested, please contact: Monica Leslie ( Version 1, 28/10/2014