Making Picture of Construction Application Describing stone placing on house building construction, water building, Road and Bridge By : SMK Negeri 5 Surakarta
Goals of Learning : Student can understand the picture of Stone arrangement. Student can explain the picture of stone arrangment. Student can draw stone arrangement and ii`s size rightly.. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Split Stone Foundation. Foundation is an the main element of the building which is very vital, functions as stand for the building on it. The Streng and sturdy of a building construction is depend on it`s foundation construction. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
The Foundation of Split Stone.. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Form of Split Stone Foundation. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing Wall Construction of Brick The Brick is also called red brick. Red brick is made from clay which is mixed and stired with water. So that become a compound which is thourougly and viscous, printed, dried and then burned. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Half brick bounding Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Intersection of thick elbowof ¾ brick. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
The Bounding of 1 brick height Teknologi dan Rekayasa
The intersection of corner of the height 1 brick Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Intersection of thick elbow 1 brick Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Intersection of thick elbow coner 1 brick Teknologi dan Rekayasa