Illustration Findings Sokol, R. I., Webster, K. L., Thompson, N. S. & Stevens, D. A. (2005). Whining as mother-directed speech. Infant and Child and Development 14(5), 478–90. Theory Whining shares characteristics with motherese ((a)exaggerated pitch contours, specifically of a rising pattern, (b) increased pitch, and (c) slowed production in relation to adult-directed speech.) Methods 18 undergraduate student volunteers at Clark University (7 male, 11 female) Stimuli consisted of two sets of six renditions of the statement ‘I want to go to Boston’, one set spoken by a male and the other by a female. Employed two procedures, a pairwise similarity judging procedure and a descriptive rating procedure, administered about 2 weeks apart. Strengths Recognizes emotional expressions such as whining as a type of speech Includes possible gender differences in whining Weaknesses 2 adult demonstrators may differ in vocal expression of statement Results using the adult whining may not be generalized to infant whining Illustration Findings whining shares with motherese the property exaggerated pitch contours as measured by Fo range , increased pitch as measured by average Fo, and slowed production, as measured by the variables length of statement and length of words. Motherese: -child-directed speech (CDS) used by caregivers to communicate with preverbal children. -characterized by a slowed production and increased pitch, and it often flows in smooth, exaggerated pitch contours Methodology -convey the intentions of whining speech, neutral speech, a boast, a demand, a question, and an expression of anger. -pairwise: -judge the similarity of the pair members while attending to the gender of the speaker -then to judge the similarity of the same pair ignoring gender. -descriptive: rate each of the 12 stimuli on the qualities demanding, determined, urgency, excited, angry, whiney, loudness, speed, and annoying, using line scales. Illustration Figure 2. Two-dimensional projection of the MDS model highlighting dimension 1. Statement code: M ¼ male, F ¼ female; A ¼ angry, B ¼ boast, D ¼ demand, Q ¼ question, N ¼ neutral speech, W ¼ whining speech. Phonated=voiced (as opposed to whisper)