BILC “Recognized” Courses Study Group 4 BILC “Recognized” Courses
Members Resul Baltaci Jeronimo Caracuel Martinez Faith Cartwright Peggy Garza Emilija Nesheva Dugald Sturges Keith Wert
NATO has a new course accreditation process (NB: A nation must request)
NATO Course Development BI-Strategic Command (Bi-Sc) Education and Individual Training Directive 75-7 (27 March 2009) Systems Approach to Training Seems a good fit for most Education and Training courses Not quite as good for language training Therefore: not surprising that new accreditation process may not be complete fit for language courses
Background Allied Command Transformation Received a request to accredit a language course or two Contacted BILC secretariat for comment and assistance BILC secretariat has the sense that language professionals ought to be involved in reviewing language courses Presto! A Study Group
Kinds of NATO Accreditation NATO Approved NATO owns it NATO Selected Meets NATO needs. Course information and quality assurance processes in place Listed (NATO decides if course is a candidate for “NATO Selected” or not)
Course Information Form Type of Course Requirements for the Creation of the Course Aim Learning Objectives Depth of Knowledge NATO Standards and Doctrine Target audience Instructors Security Clearance Instructional System Design Instructional Sequencing Program of Classes
Study Group 4 thinks that language courses may need some additional considerations Definition of what kinds of “language” courses should be looked at (Need some limits here) General Proficiency? Language for Special Purpose? Refresher/Enhancement? Faculty Professional Development? English of languages other than English? If BILC is involved: Additions to course information form? Additional language course accreditation process? An actual visit would be essential? Criteria to be reviewed provided in advance; i.e. something closer to best academic practice?
Recommendation BILC Secretariat and Steering Committee assess: Whether BILC should get deep into this If not: then nothing If so: consider establishing a WG on accreditation To try to define what language courses should taken on (in conjunction with ACT) To describe what additional processes need to be added to the existing NATO accreditation process Anything else the WG should be tasked with in this regard
Lessons Learned
MVP Lt Col Resul Baltaci