Cerebral Stretch #138 – new page Reflect on how prepared you are for today’s test. What was your score on the vocabulary quiz? Did you review the quiz? When and how did you study? What do you still want to review?
Cerebral Stretch #139 What do you know about blood types? How many are there? What are they called? How is your type determined? Why is your blood type important? Check your textbook pages 614-615 if you do not know the answers to any of these questions.
Cerebral Stretch #140 What is an adaptation? (Hint: look at pictures below) List an animal or plant with an example of their adaptation. How could these different kinds of feet be adaptations? How is the ability to adapt an advantage?
Cerebral Stretch # 141 These are the chromosome pairs for a human being. How do you know? Is it a girl or a boy? How do you know? Explain why a boy is more likely to get a recessive allele that is on the X chromosome. Explain why a boy is more likely to get a recessive allele that is on the Y chromosome.
Cerebral Stretch #142 Our next topic is evolution. Do you currently have any opinions about this topic? Religious conflicts? If a mutation caused an animal to be a different color than the others how could this help or hurt the animal? What do mutations have to do with evolution?
Cerebral Stretch #143 Get out your brochure and your rubric. Trade brochures with your table partner and read their brochure. Use your rubric to see if their brochure is complete. Tell your partner what you like about their brochure, what you learned from reading it and anything you noticed that they might be missing according to the rubric. On your Cerebral Stretch page write the number and then “peer assessment.”
Cerebral Stretch #144 What does co-evolution mean? Check yesterday’s notes or the textbook if you don’t remember. What is an adaptation? Check p. 166 or your notes if you don’t remember. How are these two ideas related? In today’s video you will see many examples of both of these concepts.
Cerebral Stretch #145 What color are the moths you typically see near your home? How could their color affect their survival? In England, a field collection study in 1848 found that a dark colored moth that was not previously found there had drastically increased. By 1895 this variety made up 98% of their moths. What could have caused this change?
Cerebral Stretch #146 Welcome Back! List at least three ways that you saw science happening during spring break. It can be in the life science field but also in geology, meteorology, physics or science in technology.
Cerebral Stretch #147 The brochures on genetic diseases pointed out a problem with the words affect and effect. Which word should go in each of these sentences: The ______ of this disease is a build up of copper in the liver. Duane’s syndrome __________ the eyes primarily. Autism ______ the ability to communicate and the ability to show emotions. Fever and swollen joints are an _________ of this disease. Skin cancer ___________ skin cells Write your own sentences – one with effect and one with affect, then turn in your paper.