News from QAC and Central Services 3rd BE Department Asset Management Forum Zory Zaharieva BE-CO-DS 29.11.2016 BE AM FORUM
Availability WG !Reminder! Availability = f (Reliability, Asset Maintenance) The Availability Working Group (Andrea Apollonio) presented the LHC Availability analysis for the period TS2 to TS3. Details here
Reliability Training course Organized by FCC, TE-MPE, Availability WG – 2 sessions per year, 4 days The course is not in the standard CERN training catalogue Main topics covered: Mathematical treatment of Reliability Determination of System Reliability Failure mode and Effects Analysis Fault Tree Analysis Evaluation of Lifetime Tests and Failure Statistics Availability and Maintainability; Maintenance types; Maintainability and Availability Parameters Modelling and Simulation of Availability (using ELMAS software) If you have any questions about the course let Zory know as she attended the last session,
Accelerators Fault Tracking Chris Roderick presented “Fault tracking at the LHC accelerator complex” and did a demo of the Accelerators Fault Tracking system: during the closing session of the Reliability training course Plans for 2017 Use the AFT for the Injector Chain data Further coverage of the equipment groups needs Links between faults and functional positions in the Layout DB Zory invited Chris to do a presentation of the AFT at the January edition of the BE AM Forum (17.01.2017) This could be an interesting tool in order to see the equipment failures and determine whether the down-time could be improved by improving the Asset Management practices If you have particular questions in relation to the AFT or would like something specific to be addressed by Chris, please, let him and Zory know about it
QAC News – Configuration and Documentation Committee A specification for the Role of a Document Manager is under approval: The Document Manager is responsible for the overall quality of the documentation in his/her area (group, project, team...). This embraces activities where she/he: Acts as an expert focal point of contact for authors and end-users on where to store and find information (EDMS, Indico or CDS); Helps the users to ensure the uniqueness of documentation across the three systems EDMS, Indico and CDS in order to avoid duplication; Advises on quality requirements (template, format, document type, versioning) by promoting Quality Assurance Procedures and Instructions; Assists with reviewing processes and checkers and approvers; Manages documents within her or his area of responsibility (receives notifications when new document is added); Defines and manages structures of EDMS objects (documentation, items, projects) within her or his area of responsibility; Populates the documentation within the configuration items in conjunction with the relevant configuration manager; …….. Zory shared access to the document with all permanent members of the Forum Please, give your comments directly in EDMS or send them to Zory
EDMS (Documentation Management) News The new specification of the "PDF conversion and stamping - proposal for changes“ was approved and the implementation is finalized EDMS doc:1718671: Several things to note down from Aleksandra Wardzinska 1. The EDMS team decided to change the display of the icons in the file listing: the extra icon for downloading of unstamped PDF file is now more hidden, in a right-click menu available on the 'main' PDF icon. 2. The default settings when creating a new context are 'PDF generation ON' and 'PDF stamping ON' - therefore all new contexts which do not wish to use these features have to be explicitly edited and have these settings disabled. 3. For the projects which already requested to switch off the PDF generation and stamping (Isabel Bejar Alonso for HL-LHC and Johannes Gutleber for FCC study) these settings will be adjusted by the EDMS Support Team.
Infor EAM News The latest Infor User meeting was held on the 10th November. Slides could be found here: Some highlights: New EAM Store Kiosk has been developed – to deal with the issue/return parts functionality for the Infor EAM Stores Management Simple and intuitive application that can be used with little or no training Two ways of accessing it- on-line application (suitable for mobile devices) or interactive kiosk Would anybody like to test the kiosk module? There is a big interest expressed by BE-CO already Infor Custom Grids – allow you to create in Infor EAM your own tailored list views with fields that make sense for you
Infor EAM News Next Infor User meeting – 09.12.2016 @ 14:00 Infor EAM training is now available /3 day course/ 1st session was held 21-23 Nov and was attended by people from BE dep: Jean-Jacques Gras (BE-BI), Nicolas Broca (BE-ICS), Ludmilla Guerine (BE-ICS) – if you have specific questions for the training they can give you their feedback Contents CMMS (Infor EAM) fundamentals: Basic Navigation, adding/editing datasets, search, using Kpis: Understand the concepts of employees, user groups, departments and departmental security. Equipment management: Manage Assets and asset structures Work management: Insert and approve work requests; Insert, prepare, plan and close work orders; Prepare Periodic Maintenance schedules; Part management - Manage parts and inventory; Receiving of goods and services CERN functionalities: Mass update and mass upload of data; CERN interfaces and integrations (EAM-light, SCADA bridge, web services); Reporting and business intelligence (Pentaho)