Jesus’ Seminary in the Slums Among the Marginalized Viv Grigg
The Cross is our Foolishness Jesus is Our Wisdom (1 Cor 1:30) The Cross is our Foolishness
Ministerial Training – Jesus Our Wisdom 1 Cor 1:19-30 Jesus style Jesus content Jesus location 1 Cor 2:4,10 Wisdom demonstrated in Spirit’s power In conflict with Greek Socratic/Aristotolean academe
Jesus’ Location – Essential Basis for Theology Incarnation among the poor Wisdom amidst poverty Political good news (Luke 4:18-31) Economic good news (Zacheus) Social good news (Woman at well) Spiritual (?) good news Theological credibility has to do with location and Spirit’s power among the poor
Syllabus Construction 1. Urban Spirituality 40 days of fasting Healing and Delivering Beatitudes 2. Preaching and Team Building (Churchplanting) Modelled story telling, proverbs, oral methods Was he familiar with Plato, Socrates? – he lived in the Decapolis (10 Greek cities), perhaps helped build Sapporis
3. Urban Realities: Dealing with the Complexities of Social Movements He invited them in from diversity, and dialogued inside his team He recruited a liberationist – Simon the Zealot Matthew –one of the right wing oppressors Nicodemus – big house, hangs out with worst liberals, even sits with rulers and feasts
4. Marginalised 5.Advocacy Course on Rescuing Prostitutes, Drug Addicts, Drunkards 5.Advocacy Dealing with Oppression, Injustice – Course on Advocacy, Land rights, Housing. The foundations of a healthy capitalist society is easy access to legalized home ownership
6. Community Economics 7. Entrepreneurial Leadership He started with Businessmen ¼ of his conversations were about economics Zacheus, come down, ½ my goods We start with “called” religious – need to revamp their thinking
9. Ownership Own home Own home Provide Family Kingdom Economic Principles Principle Genesis/ Jubilee Gospels & Acts Epistles 1. Creativity God the creator Spirit sets free 2. Cooperative Economics Let us make Sharing Provide for others 3. Productivity Good outcomes Fruit of Preaching 4. Work He makes He structures Labour in the gospel Work with hands(1 Thes 4:11) 5. Rest God rests Jubilee come Eternal Rest 6 Redistribut’n for Equality Jubilee –return of land Tithing No needy one Weekly Giving Global redist’n (2 Cor 8,9) Simplicity 7. Stewardship Savings & Debt Jubilee cancels debts Debts cancelled Good managers Owe no man Manage house 8. Celebration It was good Worship daily Laughing givers 9. Ownership Own home Own home Provide Family
8. Primary Paradigm: Movement Leadership Mark 3:14: Chose 12 to be with him, and to be sent out to preach Training of apostles Anointing, mobility Signs and Wonders, Conflict John 12:24-26 Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies it remains alone, but if it dies it bears much fruit
Spirituality in the Midst of Movement Leadership
Break the Bondage of 1800 Years of Academic Greek Catholicism Aristotolean and Socratic approaches to theology need engagement even the apostle Paul refused this approach The call is to follow a Jesus-style of theological, ministry and spiritual formation within/breaking the structures of 21stC academe But to accommodate the academe, there is a consistent training in theology of research in each internship leading to a final project/thesis. A course on exegetical methods and the Synoptics A course on Global Theologies
Packaging: 2 Years, 6 semesters 42 units, $17,724 this year
Year 1 Semester 1
Year 1: Spring & Summer Semester
Year 2: Semesters 4,5,6
A 3 year option: 2 courses/semester 10-12 hours/course/week = 20-24 hrs/week + work & ministry = 30-35 hours = Standard 55 hr. ministry work week