Module 3 – 2degrees Activation Process 16 October 2017 In Module 3 of the 2degrees accreditation we’ll be taking a closer look at the activation process, who you and your customers should contact at different stages of the process should you have any queries and the all important timing for receiving your points and commissions
Sign up process IBO Direct StoreFront
Sign up process Customer details entered here must EXACTLY match the details on the customer’s acceptable government ID Whether your customer signs up via your Online Direct StoreFront or the ACN Pacific New Zealand website they’ll come to the ACN Mobile page. As mentioned in the previous module, it’s incredibly important that the customer details entered at this stage EXACTLY match the details on their government ID as well as details entered later in the journey which we’ll talk about shortly. If the details do not match, for example there are typos or the customer abbreviates the details (for example on their identification it shows the name as Jonathan but during the sign up process they enter John) there is a chance that the customer’s application will be credit declined which could harm the customer’s credit rating and give them a poor sign up experience. Remember, if the customer is credit declined there is no sale for you to receive points and commissions on. We also use the information the customer enters here to match with 2degrees records and subsequently assign the sale to you so this is another reason why it’s important the customer enters the correct information here.
Sign up process Once your customer has completed the information on the ACN website, they’ll be automatically taken to 2degrees’ website. Here they’ll need to select the Pay Monthly plan that best suits their requirements
Sign up process Customer details entered here must EXACTLY match the customer details entered on the ACN page Next, new to 2degrees customers will need to complete the sign up process by entering personal details on the 2degrees website. As mentioned previously, it’s EXTREMELY important that the details the customer enters here EXACTLY match the details they entered on the ACN website. If there are discrepancies between what they enter here and the ACN website it may NOT be possible for you to claim points and commissions for your customer. We don’t want your hard work and effort to be for nothing and we’re sure you don’t either, so please ensure you educate your customers and your downline on the importance of this.
Who to contact & when When placing an order ACN issues / escalations Active on 2degrees network IBO Enquiry Form IBO Direct StoreFront Unable to place order – refer to IBO who should complete an IBO Enquiry Form 200 From their 2degrees mobile 0800 022 022 from within NZ +64 22 200 2000 from overseas We understand that you or your customers may have some queries at different stages of the customer journey. If this should happen whilst placing an order the customer should contact you, their IBO and you need to complete the IBO Enquiry form available via Pacific Compass. Similarly if you have ACN related issues or escalations such as queries re points or commissions, these must be directed to ACN via the IBO Enquiry Form If your customer has queries concerning their 2degrees service once they are active on the 2degrees network, i.e. they can make/receive calls/text messages on their 2degrees SIM they can contact 2degrees via the methods shown. A very important top tip is to educate your customers NOT to contact 2degrees or go into a 2degrees store until they are active on the 2degrees network as this is likely to result in you not receiving compensation for this customer. Top tip DO NOT contact other 2degrees channels prior to activation – you will NOT receive points!
ACN issues / escalations Who to contact & when Missing customers ACN issues / escalations IBO to complete Credit Reassessment Form products-2/nz/nz-2degrees-forms/ IBO to complete Missing Customer Claim Form products-2/nz/nz-2degrees-forms/ Missing Orders ACN provides a follow up service to work with 2degrees on allocating sales to IBOs that may not have flowed through to your PCL straight away. For instance, if you believe a customer has successfully signed up to 2degrees via the prescribed ACN 2degrees sign up process, but the customer has not flowed through to your PCL, please submit a missing claim enquiry via the 2degrees Missing Customer Claim Form available on Pacific Compass. Credit Reassessment In some instances there are a number of causes behind a credit or application decline. This can include a mismatch of information where a customer may incorrectly list details which will stop orders flowing through. IBOs are able to submit a credit reassessment request via ACN who will work with 2degrees to query a declined application. IBOs can submit a credit reassessment request via the credit re-assessment form available on Pacific Compass
Points & commissions key milestones Customer appears in PCL Qualification points allocated Commission payments if accredited 2-4 days 48 hours 3 months Daily Updates Following the processing of a 2degrees mobile application, the corresponding customer should appear in your Personal Customer List (PCL) within 2-4 days. As mentioned previously all applications are subject to credit approval by 2degrees. This may delay orders for which additional information is required from the customer. Usually this will add between 1-2 days depending on how quickly your customer can respond and supply additional information. PCLs will be updated daily with Mobile customers and points. A customer will be held in an incomplete status in your PCL if you have not yet successfully completed this 2degrees Accreditation process. Qualification points will be allocated after 2degrees reports the service as network active to ACN. Network activation occurs at the time the SIM is shipped to the customer and this will typically reflect in your PCL within the following 48 business hours. Commission payments will commence 3 months from the activation date. IBOs should contact IBO Support with enquiries regarding points, commission and their PCL – do not contact 2degrees as they will not be able to assist.
Purge rules PCL Purge Rules 24 months from sign up Cancellation prior to 24 months Cancellation within 180 days of sign up Let’s take a look at the purge rules. Customers will be purged 24 months after sign up. This includes both Mobile and Mobile Broadband services If a customer cancels their service before month 24, then the service will also purge and IBOs will no longer receive points & residuals for this service. Where a customer cancels within 180 days of signing up, ACN will purge the customer points and will also claw back any commissions and bonuses paid to the IBO and/or their upline.
Summary of key points Pay Monthly services as new connections Sign up online only via IBO Direct StoreFront or Application details must match Government issued documents ACN does not manage billing or customer service Queries/escalations prior to customer going active should be raised via IBO Enquiry Form Queries/escalations once customer goes active should be directed to 2degrees Customers will purge 24 months after sign up unless they cancel prior Let’s run through a quick summary of the key points. If you are confident you have understood all of the content so that you can pass the quiz, please proceed to the ‘Complete your Assessment’ module. Here you will find instructions and the link to the quick mandatory online quiz.