Help! I have no idea what I’m doing. Paper 1 Help! I have no idea what I’m doing.
The most important thing to remember when answering any exam question is to ANSWER THE QUESTION. Make sure you read the question carefully and know what it’s asking you to do.
Describe Questions 4 marks Description of an event or issue Start with a statement that answers the question in general terms Then add detail Go deeper by adding two extra facts about the event Go broader by adding two extra facts about the historical context
Interpretations Questions 6 marks To get full marks you MUST address two issues: The provenance: Who? Where? Why? How does it affects the source’s reliability The content: decide, based on own knowledge and what’s contained in the source, whether or not you agree with the opinion given in the question
Either-Or Questions 10 marks Choose which event was more important Refer to BOTH events Describe both events (just like 4 mark question) Explain how each event contributed to the final event Assess how important each event was Compare the events and explain why one is more important than the other
Let’s Practice! In January 1918 President Woodrow Wilson of the USA published the Fourteen Points, which were his aims for peace. Describe the main features of the Fourteen Points. (4 marks)
Let’s Practice! In 1918 France wanted Germany to pay for causing the war. Describe how the War Guilt Clause and the Reparations Settlement tried to achieve this. (4 marks)
Source B British cartoon published 30 June 1919 Study source B. Source B suggests that lasting peace was prevented by the terms of the treaty. Do you agree that the Treaty of Versailles made it impossible for peace to be obtained in Europe? Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source, as well as using its content and your knowledge.
Source B From a speech in January 1918 by President Woodrow Wilson to American politicians, explaining his Fourteen Points. Peoples and territory must not be passed from country to country. This peace must make every territorial settlement for the benefit of the people who live there, not because of claims or deals made by other countries. Study Source B. Source B suggests that President Wilson wanted self determination for all peoples after the First World War. Do you agree that this was Wilson’s main aim at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919? Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source, as well as using its content and your knowledge.
Which was the more important reason for German anger toward the Treaty of Versailles: Clause 231 (The War Guilt Clause) Territorial restrictions You must refer to both reasons when explaining your answer. (10 marks)
Which member of The Big 3 would have been more pleased with the terms of the Treaty of Versailles: Georges Clemenceau Woodrow Wilson You must refer to both people when explaining your answer. (10 marks)