Jeopardy Final Jeopardy $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 We’re not all bad The Invaders A Fungus Among Us Things you just viewed under the microscope The Cute, The Mad, and the Squirmy $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy
1 - $100 All bacteria have these three characteristics. What are 1) No Nucleus, 2) Single-Celled, 3) Cell Wall?
1 - $200 Bacteria reproduce asexually and sexually in this way. What are Binary Fission and Conjugation?
1 - $300 Bacteria cause disease in these three ways. What are 1) Destroying cells directly, 2) destroying cells through the immune system, 3) releasing toxins
1 - $400 The structures A – H in the bacterium in the diagram are called these. What are A. Flagellum, B. Ribosome, C. Nucleoid, D. Cell Membrane, E. Cell Wall, F. Plasmid, G. Pilli, H. Cytoplasm?
1 - $500 Bacterial Cell wall is made up of this polymer. What is Peptidoglycan?
2 - $100 These three components make up many types of viruses. What are 1) Nucleic Acid, 2) Capsid, and 3) Lipid Membrane?
2 - $200 A prophage is this. What is DNA of a bacteriophage that becomes integrated into the host cell DNA that may lie dormant for several generations?
2 - $300 This is the function of ligands (viral membrane or capsid) surface proteins. What is binds virus to surface of cell and allows entry into host cell?
2 - $400 Viruses lysing (breaking out of) the host cell describes this cycle in viral reproduction. What is The lytic cycle?
2 - $500 Viral infections that take long periods to become symptomatic usually follow this cycle of infection. What is The lysogenic cycle?
3 - $100 All fungi are these types of feeders, contain this important organelle and have this in their cell wall. What is heterotrophic, a nucleus, and chitin?
3 - $200 The network of hyphae that makes up a fungus below the ground is known as this. What is Mycelium?
3 - $300 In mycorhizal relationships, plants are benefited this way; fungi are benefited this way. What is plants gain minerals and water from the fungus; fungi get the products of photosynthesis from the plant?
3 - $400 These are two ways fungi can be beneficial to other living things. What are 1) Decompose dead organic matter, 2) Mycorhizae help plants grow better so beneficial to human beings?
3 - $500 These are two ways fungi are harmful to other living things. What are 1) Fungal infections in human beings, 2) Cordyceps in insects
4 - $100 This defines the kingdom of protists. What is They are eukaryotic cells that are not a part of any other kingdom?
4 - $200 Protists move in one of these three ways. What are pseudopod, cilia, flagella?
4 - $300 In this diagram of protist conjugation, this is going on at step 5. What is when the macronucelus degrades?
4 - $400 This is the cycle of halpoid and diploid phases many protists go through. What is Alternation of Generations?
4 - $500 In the following diagram is organism is undergoing sexual reproduction here. Where are parts D and E?
5 - $100 A true coelom is this. What is a body cavity completely lined by mesodermal tissue?
5 - $200 With bilateral symmetry, these two halves mirror each other. What are Left and Right?
5 - $300 An animal with this type of body cavity is classified as this because. What is a pseudocoelomate because its body cavity is only partially surrounded by mesoderm?
5 - $400 Protostomes and deuterostomes are this. What are Protostomes: when the blastopore develops into a mouth; Deuterostome: when the blastopore develops into an anus?
5 - $500 A chordate has these four characteristics. What are 1) Notocord, 2) Nerve cord, 3) tail beyond the anus, 4) gill slits
Final Jeopardy These are the three germ layers of an animal and this is what they differentiate into. Ectoderm: Skin, Nervous tissue; Mesoderm: Blood, bones, muscle, organs; Endoderm: digestive tract, lungs