Entrepreneurship Management Reference Books Entrepreneurship by Hisrich & Peters Entrepreneurship Management by P N Singh & J C Saboo Entrepreneurial Management by R K Mittal Entrepreneurship Development – Programmes & Practices by J S Saini Entrepreneurship – strategies and resources by Marc D Dollinger Indian Entrepreneurship – its past and present by V Chernovskaya
Entrepreneurship Management – Course Method Interactive Case Studies Group Work Gearing up for the D day
Entrepreneurship Management - Syllabus A. Entrepreneurial Perspective Concept of Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Advantages of Entrepreneurship Nature and Development of Entrepreneurship Gender issues in Entrepreneurship contd ….
Entrepreneurship Management - Syllabus contd …. A. Entrepreneurial Perspective The dynamic role of small Business/ Industry in Economic Development Personality of an Entrepreneur/ Intrapreneur Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship Management - Syllabus B. Entrepreneurial Environment Policy Perspectives in India to promote Entrepreneurship Analysis of Business Opportunities in different sectors of economy at National and Global levels Quick - start Routes to establish an Enterprise (Franchising, Ancilliarising & Acquisitioning) contd ….
Entrepreneurship Management - Syllabus Contd…. B. Entrepreneurial Environment Support Organizations for an Entrepreneur and their Role Legal framework for starting a Business/ Industry in India
Entrepreneurship Management - Syllabus C. The Enterprise Launching Product/ Project Identification Developing a Project Report/ Business Plan Business Financing including Venture Capital Finance contd ….
Entrepreneurship Management - Syllabus C. The Enterprise Launching Managing early growth of a Business; Business Incubation Program New Venture expansion - strategies and issues