PIHRA News for Districts July 2016
PIHRA Mission To provide communities, professional development, and resources to advance human resource professionals. pihra.org/aboutpihra
Your PIHRA Membership = $3,000 Receive $3,000 worth of services for $150* a year! PIHRA Member Benefit Take Action Value Face-to-face network and life-long friendships with peers Register at pihra.org/calendar Priceless Ask a HR Advisor – Telephone based HR Consulting Call HR Live at 855.306.6460 $1,200 Award-winning HR Compliance Centers, including JD builder, handbook builder and 1000s of templates Login to PIHRA Workplace $1,000 Member rates on continuing education while attending monthly meetings, seminars and annual conference Review PIHRA’s education programs $615 Free salary report for one position through PayScale Click here to claim your free salary report today $219 Discounts with partners like Cal Chamber and UCLA Extension Learn more about this discounts by visiting pihra.org/discounts You estimate * $125 for renewing members These are merely some of the many PIHRA benefits. Call PIHRA Home Office at (310) 416-1210 ext. 810 anytime
Try Before You Buy with PIHRA GOING ON NOW! Try Before You Buy with PIHRA 30-day Trial Membership July 1-31, 2016 Experience the great benefits of the PIHRA membership – local networking, great online HR Tools and much more. Please share this opportunity with your colleagues. For more information visit pihra.org/trial Trial members are ineligible for the member registration discount for the California HR Conference
Use PIHRA Workplace Today! Free Benefit for PIHRA members PIHRA COMPLY – access 1,000s of forms, documents, tools, and checklists plus an employee handbook builder and job description builder. PIHRA LIVE (Ask an HR Advisor) – A team of HR experts standing by to answer your questions and provide guidance Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Central Your Primary PIHRA Email Learn more about this benefit! Simply visit pihra.org/WorkplaceWebinar to view the recording of the Explore the PIHRA Workplace webinar or call PIHRA Member Care at (310) 416-1210 ext 810 or membership@pihra.org Login at pihra.org/workplacelogin!
HR Certification Prep UPCOMING FALL 2016 EVENTS HR TALENT & TECH Classes begin again in September More details at www.pihra.org/hrcertification HR TALENT & TECH Register now at member rate of $249 October 13, 2016 – Culver City RSVP: pihra.org/talenttech
Membership Orientation Webinars Join PIHRA Home Office staff for a monthly 45 minute interactive webinar designed to inform and equip PIHRA members to get the most out of their membership. Upcoming orientation webinars: Thursday, July 14 at noon Thursday, August 11 at noon Register: pihra.org/calendar
PIHRA Foundation pihra.org/foundation The PIHRA Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit corporation serving Southern California communities. The PIHRA Foundation raises funds to offer scholarships and programs, and serve the community. Offers two stipends to the California HR Conference To apply or receive information about stipends, email pihra.foundation.scholarships @gmail.com or visit pihra.org/foundation to download the application Deadline to apply for stipends to conference is: July 15, 2016 PIHRA Foundation supports workforce readiness in Southern California including support for education through programs such as "You and Your First Job" and human resources scholarships. The scholarship program attracts top students form local universities who have a commitment to enter the human resources field. Recipients are selected on a competitive basis by a committee of seasoned PIHRA members who are themselves part time university instructors. Community service through programs such as "You and Your First Job" and human resources scholarships for university students. They have published a booklet called You and Your First Job as well. Also provides scholarships related to HR certifications and to the California HR conference. Deadline is July 15, 2016 pihra.org/foundation
Free-customized employee training for PIHRA member companies? Yes! Qualified PIHRA member companies have access to free, customized, on-site training. Topics include: Customer Service Computer Skills Lean / Six Sigma Leadership / Supervisory Development ESL and many more.... Find out if your company qualifies by contacting Troy Barry with Custom Corporate Communications tbarry@c3train.com or 310-487-1586
PIHRA Connect Network now! Share with colleagues too. pihra.org/linkedin facebook.com/pihra twitter.com/pihra pihra.org/forum pihra.org/stayinformed Get engaged and be informed! For hyperlinks, please go to pihra.org/connect