Poster Assignment Social Studies 11
Criteria Text Amount (a statement of the facts) Size and Colour (appropriate to message) Font (easy to read) Example: 11 billion spent on ice cream while only 9 billion is needed to provide clean water for the world’s population. (Arial, Font 24).
Criteria Graphics Appropriate (fits with the message) Eye Catching (size and placement) Effective (graphics work with the text) Example: Europe: $11 billion spent on ice cream while only $9 billion is needed to provide clean water for the world’s population.
Criteria Overall Design Colours work together Contains 4 – 8 facts Layout makes the message clear
Judgment Posters will be reviewed 3 times. Once by the artist Then by another student Then by Mr. Hermanson Total Mark out of 20. Effective posters will be placed around the classroom.
Ch. 13/14 Test What: 5 Marks for Acronyms (Ch. 14) 10 - 15 Marks for Terms (Ch. 13 + 14) 10 - 15 Marks for Short Answer (Ch. 13 + 14) Everything from the test will be taken from the chapter questions.