POSTER TITLE – USE BOLD FONT, POSSIBLY ALL CAPS 70 pt Include logo(s) POSTER TITLE – USE BOLD FONT, POSSIBLY ALL CAPS 70 pt All contributing authors. First and last names or initials followed by last name, can also indicate degrees (intermediate font size i.e. 50 pt). Names of associated instituations and or agencies. (Same size font or smaller) use different style i.e. italics or different shade (40-50 pt) Program evaluation Introduction Select a similar font size and colour for all headings The introduction should be briefly tell and explain the rationale and need for the program. A few key references might be cited but this is not essential. Might identify the need of the program and the process of its development who initiated it, who funds it, how and why the composition of the team was selected. why this program is significant or unique Could describe the rationale for the physical set-up the program i.e. equipment and space available Describe other resources required, manpower, referral system Should try to use the same type of font for the text of the posters, the same size, style and colour. This size is 48 pt. Generally the print of the poster should be “readable” when observed 4-6 feet away Describe the treatment outcomes that show effectiveness of interventions, Patient satisfaction, improved function or quality of life Cost-savings. How does your program facilitate return to work in the home or return to employment Prevent other more expensive health care costs such as surgery, emergency visits, hospital stays Shorten recovery in out-patient or in-patient programs. Might describe successful progression Might describe monitoring and preventative measures taken to minimize risk of injury or untoward events Might describe number and type of adverse events. Charts/Graphs/Pictures Figures and images will be your attention grabbers and will not only attract interest but also set the tone for your poster and complement the text. Remember: Any pictures which contain patient identifiers (i.e., facial shots, unusual tattoos) will require a signed release form from the patient. Purpose , Goals or Aims of the Program Could list one or two overarching goals or 3-5 aims of the program . Description of patients and referral system if applicable. Successes of Program Would list the characteristics of the patients/ participants referred to your program. Might also list who might not fit in the program Might describe the referral system to the program or other issues that enable participants to join the program. Describe the impact of you team on patients, other participants, caregivers, health care practitioners, work place, health authority, province etc Can emphasize its unique aspects and how others would perceive it as being successful and sustainable. Blow your own horn. Describe why it is wonderful for participants and those that work in the program Content and Delivery Describes the assessment, interventions and reevaluation procedures; Identify the health practitioners involved. Might describe the home program and self-management aspects Describe the physical environment and equipment used Be sure to identify the key aspects of the program that enable it to be effective and sustainable References While it is a nice thing to include references, if you’re crunched for space, these are the first things to go. If the choice is between including a figure/image or the references, ditch the references and show the image. Acknowledgements Don’t Be Constrained by These Headings Be generous. Consider all agencies, institutions and colleagues who support your program and make it possible to carry out. You do not need to restate coauthors or agencies mentioned in title and acknowledged with the logos.