Andrew Jackson Buschistory Presents – The Presidents 7th President of the US 1801-1809 Andrew Jackson
The Election 1. President: Andrew Jackson__ Number 7_____ VP – John C Calhoun, Martin Van Buren 2. Political Party _Democratic 3. Term of Office _1829-1837 4. Who came before and after him, and what were their Political parties? ______Quincy Adams (Democratic-Republican) preceded him, Martin Van Buren (Democrat) Followed him 5. Were there any unusual circumstances surrounding his ascent to the presidency? If so, describe the situation in specific detail. The Jacksonians had spent 4 years discrediting Quincy Adams after the alleged “Corrupt Bargain.” This race was personal and nasty. Both sides told exaggerated stories and lies about the other. The Adam’s supporters accused Jackson of adultery because he lived with Rachel before her divorce from her first husband was final. The Jacksonians accused the Adam’s camp of arranging women for visiting Russian diplomats. Jackson trounced Adams, but shortly after the election – Dec. 22, 1828 Rachel died. Jackson blamed the Adam’s camp and he held a grudge throughout his presidency. Electors – Jackson 178, Adams 83
The Office 6. Are there any catch phrases or terms specifically associated with this president? If so, list and explain them Common Man, Bank War, Hydra Monster, Nullification, Old Hickory 7. When he left office, was it by: choice, defeat, natural death, assassination, or resignation. Explain your answer. Did not run in the 1836 election.
Domestic Issues and Events 1828-1829 Tariff of Abominations 1828-29 Exposition and Protest 1829-1836 Spoils System 1829 Peggy Eaton O’Neil affair 1830 Webster Hayne debate 1830 Indian Removal debate begins 1830 Maysville Road Veto 1831 – Nat Turner 1832 Calhoun Resigns 1832 Nullification 1832 Bank War Begins 1833 Force Bill Admitted to the Union – Arkansas 1836, Michigan1837
Foreign Policy and Events 1832 – Black Hawk War in Illinois and Wisconsin. We meet Capt. Abraham Lincoln (23 yrs old)